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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
A March 25th practice date has bee announced for "The Bowl". The practice will be open to all divisions competing on "Budweiser Modfied Nationals Weekend". Hopefully the practice will take place as well as all other planned events.
I read the site and was all over the $10 paddock area admission for that. If it doesn't rain and my mom has the courage to drag me there, I'd be there. But I don't know if I'll do it yet.
Competitors Can Save $10 A free day of practice (a $10 value) will be the reward for those competitors taking advantage of a “special offer” from Speedbowl management.
The purchase of the three-day Budweiser Modified Nationals pit pass ($50 with a NASCAR license, $58 without) this Saturday will result in a free day of practice. The session runs from 10 AM (pits open at 8 AM) until dark.
The three-day Bud Nat's pass includes the Friday, March 31 practice session as well as both days (April 1-2) of the Nationals.
Overall the day went well, there were a few sprinkles here and there. the 54 Mini of Jeff Miller had a right front come off in turn 4, taking the 37 of Joe Godbout into the wall hard with them. Ill try to remember what cars were there.
Modifieds: 51 Rob Janovic, 16 Rowan Pennink, 09 Jay Miller, 72 Jimmy Kuhn (TVMS), 98 Mooch, 69 Dean Christiansen, 91 Jeff Paul, 03 Tom Rogers, 56 Mike Keeler (TVMS), 5 Chris Pasteryak. Shawn and Diego Monahan, Johnny Brouwer, and Don Fowler were all there, but just to watch. As for late models the 28 of Jay Lozyniak, 6 Larry Goss, 22 Don Acker, 42 JAy Stuart, 2 Duane noll, 19, and others.