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i have wanted to do this for a long time....... and now this is the proper time to present to you my latest project, and its called "closed down tracks today" with the millers falls track that is in this section, its a spark on what track do exist and some that dont, i will list the intructions on how to use this tool and here as follows,
open up the link,
you will have 3 tabs to use, topo<sometimes it will give you a older photo than the aerial> aerial<what it shows in the 90s> URBAN<some pictures do have this option on where theres a newer picture<2001 area> i will start with some photos in the local, some historical in the north east and some in the other areas........big thanks to the vintageracer.com!!!!!! here we go
alcyon speedway pittman nj - http://terraserver.microsoft.com/image.aspx?t=1&s=10&x=2437&y=21988&z=18&w=2 Was a 1/3 mile dirt track in 1910, in 1913 it was enlarged to a 1/2 mile 5 turned dirt track. Baseball games were played in the infield of the track Teams that played there were Connie Mack's Philadelphia Athletics, Bradford Grays (Negro League), New York Black Yankees and New York Cubans. Famous drivers to race at Alcyon were Al Tasnady, Glenn Guthrie, Jackie McClaughlin, Will Cagle, Don Stumpf, Otto Harwi and Frankie Schneider.
cairo speedway cairo ny http://terraserver.homeadvisor.msn.com/image.aspx?t=1&s=10&x=2907&y=23420&z=18&w=1 race driver Ken Shoemaker to build and manage the speedway. Noted flagman Tex Enright helped in the construction as well. The track ran on Sunday afternoons from 8/18/74 until 9/22/74 featuring modifieds and limited sportsman. Mert "Socks" Hulbert won opening day feature in front of a standing-room only crowd of 6000. - The grandstands later sold to Thompson Speedway in CT.
powell motor speedway powell oh http://terraserver.homeadvisor.msn.com/image.aspx?t=1&s=10&x=1612&y=22235&z=17&w=1 A half-mile paved oval and a third-mile dirt oval were at Powell Motor Speedway. The tracks, located outside of Columbus, Ohio, last ran in 1965 and are still in good shape. no longer visable as of 2000. housing as result
granite state park speedway dover nh http://www.terraserver-usa.com/image.aspx?t=1&s=11&x=865&y=11970&z=19&w=1 A dirt mile and a dirt half-mile were at this track found north of Dover, New Hampshire. There also appears that a quarter-mile may have been at this site. Mile closed in 1941 and the half-mile in 1948.
orange speedway hillsbrough nc http://www.terraserver-usa.com/image.aspx?t=1&s=11&x=1682&y=9984&z=17&w=1 Two tracks were at this location on the east side of Hillsborough, North Carolina. The first was a mile oval in operation from 1948 through 1965. The second was a quarter mile, which closed in 1956. Outline of the mile can be easily seen in the woods. this track was replaced by tallydega in 1968 not 1965..... track is now a walking path<city adoption>