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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The Thompson (CT) speedway has announced the schedule of events for the season opening "Ice Breaker" Weekend featuring the first race of the season for the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour.
Here is a link to the full weekend schedule form the Thompson Speedway Website.
I dropped off my camper around 12:30ish today (Sunday), there are a few diehards camping there already. I wish I didn't have to work this week and join them! Anyone else from makinglaps planning on going?? I'll be there on Friday around noon.
i will be there Saturday and Sunday day trips. I am not camping. I think we travel in the same places, I am pretty sure I have seen you on another board I frequent. Weather looks a little iffy for saturday but its early and could change.
Yeah, sounds like rain for Saturday but come hell or high water.....I'll be there! Yes, we probably do frequent the same sites. I'm Stefanikfan on every site forum that I belong to, heck even my camper says "Stefanikfan" across the back!
Now I'm not trying to jinx anything here, but after all this nice weather we have been having todays blustery temps and talk of snow showers kind of reminded me of one of the Icebreakers at the Big T back in the early 90's that me and WMT and a few others camped at. We usually did just like you do SF, go up the weekend before and either drop off the camper, or stake off a spot and set up a bit. Well this paticular year we staked off and set up some stuff, but fortunatley didn't drop off the camper as during the week Thompson recieved a foot plus of snow. If I remember right they ran the show about three weeks later, but we took a ride up to check on things that next weekend after the snowfall and after a lot of looking, and a little digging out we at least found the general area of our spot!
OWR, don't worry, I'm the one who jinxed this weekend. Anytime I drop off my camper ahead of time I jinx the weekend!! Heck, on the way up I might stop at the Putnam Walmart and buy a radio controlled boat! That may reverse the jinx!! I hope.......
Heck, I've been told by someone on another site to leave my camper at home!! Sorry,that ain't happining.