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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The first year the ROC moved from Flemington to the Oswego Speedway was I believe in 1996. Three local Late Model drivers and teams made the trek to the Steel Palace and continued the dominance are local LM drivers have always shown wherever the ROC was run, by placing 1st 2nd and 9th. Name the three drivers, and where they finished respectively???
Well Open I believe we made this journey together if I am remembering the right race.
The race winner was Brad Boisenaualt (spelling) , Chuck Zentarski second, and Kevin Debbis ninth.
Debbis ran the consi to make the race, as he was not at the track for qualifying, and started second to last. With his two man "crew" and running old tires, he used some great spotting and made a head turning run to the front.
That two man "crew" was myself and Open. Open and I also shared the spotting duties, with Open the main spotter, and myself assisting with his blind spots from the infield.
Hope this was the right race, if not it was a great story.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 07:29, 2006-03-02
Good job WMT, you are correct on everything. A little bit easier when you were there though lol. Brad and Chuck Z were the class of the field for sure, but Kevin did a hell of a job with no warmups or heat race, starting near last in the consi at a track he had never seen much less turned laps on and qualifying for the feature starting just about dead last (41st) and finishing 9th.