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With the first practice a little more then a month away, and since the Bowl's website hasnt been updated in forever, lets start a chat thread to see who's driving what and new rules. I read that they are going to a .486 gear rule, im not sure why, the only reasoning i can think of now is that they want to be like stafford and thompson. Any other thoughts? maybe we can come up iwth a tentative driver roster with what we know.
If it's true Ben, (about the 4.86 gear rule for the SK's) don't know why they would go that route either. You can be competitive with those gears there though. When Tucker Jr was racing and I was on his crew we would put the 4.86's in, go qualify at Stafford or Thompson during the day on Saturday for the big two day shows, not change gears go back and run Waterford on Sat night, then go back to SMS or TIS on Sunday. And we won races at Waterford with 4.86's in the car he had to drive the thing in the turn ten times over his head to make up for the gear, but he got r done.
As for a SK roster, I think I have heard of more guys that are not racing then are. But we all know how that song go's!
After we broke the rear running second in the last saturday night race, we ran the .486 from out of our stafford car at the finale, and it ran pretty well. should be interesting to see how it goes as we werent planning on running a .486.
Ok here go's this is either from what I've heard or assume will be there this year in the SK's:
#09 Jay Miller
#3 Dennis Gada
#8 John Brouwer
#11 Rob Summers
#26 Don Fowler
#27 Tyler Chadwick
#31 Shawn Monahan
#35 Dennis Charette
#47 Tom Fox
#55 Mike Finkelday
#66 Wendell Dailey
#71 Jeff Pearl
#81 Diego Monahan
#82 Pete Pavone
#98 Frank Mucciacciaro Jr
Now I know I left quite a few guys out, but they have either moved on to the WMT,(Yuhas, Pasteryak) or to other tracks, (Silk, Lenahan) or rumored to be not racing this year (Janovic). You know you will have TC, Tommy Cravenho, and Frank Rucco show up for some big shows and dont be suprised to see Jimmy Blewett in the TS car invade as well. Legends champ Jeff Paul will be a rookie contender this year also.
He will run the full tour schedule in the 1, as well as as many races as possible at the Bowl, with possibly some races at Stafford and Thompson when the tour cars run.