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Spd, Back when we raced in the late 1970s-1990s, if we were found CHEATING for any reason we got a last place finish, point's and money. Nascar needs to do something more then take money and points away from teams that CHEAT. Now I'm not saying my car was legal, But if we were caught then we were caught.... Nascar has to stop this by sitting people out for a week or so ( car & driver both). No one can tell me Jimmy Boy Did'nt know or Rick H. Did'nt know about what is going on in his shop. Everything I did to my race car's, my driver knew. I told all my drivers, ( Don't walk away from the field) lol. We all did things to find a way to get the most out of what we could (The fine line of the rules). Again money means nothing to a lot of the teams out there today, But to take Money,driver points and car points from Terry's new team and slap the 48 team on the hand is nuts. The 48 team should have been told, (Load it up boys) like they would have told us back when we raced. It's getting to a point were (I of all people) fall a sleep during a cup race, now that's bad. Later Richie.
The restrictor plate motor that HOF (#96) had was purchased/leased from JGR with the carb installed from their (JGR) shop. I doubt HOF even had the templates to check it. JGR motor shop took responsibility for installing the wrong carb (wonder what the 20 had) and they got slammed with $ & point fines. Now what was posted on another NA$CAR board was a response from NA$CAR that said there are rules about the carb but nothing specifically about the #48's infraction (rear window and like the shocks last year) so the fines were less. Now, if there are rules that the car must meet the templates during pre-race/qualifing inspections then why not during post-race/qualifing inspections? If they do not need to meet them then why even check them? I agree with you that they should have been tossed for the race just like we would have been. That would be the real way to get their attention. If their sponsor looses TV time they will pass it down to the owner to play fair.
Like some people posted on the other board, "how do you explain to your kid(s) that cheating is wrong when it basicly goes unpunished?"