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Kinda surprised at JR's comments. Is he the only guy that's afraid of Tony and saying it looked intentional? NA$CAR did wimp out on this also. But that's why I respect Matt as a driver because he has class and respect for the other drivers. It doesn't surprise me that Tony thinks he can blow the whole thing off because he knows he was wrong and wants it to go away.
I have an idea for the new PR guy. They need to come out with a new promotional gimick...mmmm lets see..... they are French toast already so how about France Waffles! The Frances should buy the Waffle House chain and they can change the waffles to comply with NA$CAR.
Like the rule book waffle can have modified ingredients but still be legal as long they are not generic.
Like the HMS waffle, not sure whats in it, but it gives you diareah and you have to pay for it under the table.
The over agressive waffle will have lots of butter and wall nuts so it is slippery and nutty.
And the NA$CAR management waffle, it will be flat like a pancake because we all know they can not stand up even that much.
Is that poetic justic that Somke goes up in smoke as Matt is fix'n to pass. I have to imagine that Smoke was starting to slow when Matt was going by. Oh well, stuff happens.