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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
as we head to the "DUEL" races this week there is major concern in nextel cup racing about bump drafting.... the word has it that there sending officals in the turns so they can spot any offenders bumpdrafting in the corners which in my opinon is a very good move because in the shootout we almost had a bad accident IE mark martins death twich<which was simular to dale srs twich that lead up to his death in 2001, ive never been a full fledged fan of town stewart but i will give credit where its due, he stepped up to the plate and had a 20 min closed meeting with NASCAR to do something with bumpdrafting, finally NASCAR LISTENED!!!!!!! before theres another death untill something was done TONY and NASCAR stepped to the plate and fixed a protentionally tragic situation *gives a bow to nascar"
on the other end of things, NASCAR shot themselfs in the foot twice sunday...... 1st being in QUAL sunday, jimmy johnsons back window had issues passing tech, which lead to chad knaus being EJECTED from the rest of the 500 activitys, if this is a way of getting chad fired, its 1 heck of a way to a very DRAMINC EXIT for the hendrick camp..... last i heard, if there was a aerodyamic flaw in the cars, would the car be taken from the team ?????? not in this case, in the past infractions like this one, nascar took the car and would tear it apart enforcing the teams in question to go to there backup, i did not hear anything about this action taken place so i think nascar really screwed up on this one,
SECOND SHOT took place during the shootout, MILLION AMONG MILLIONS of fans seen this take place, carl edwards DID cross the yellow line in the 1st segment and served his penilty by starting last in the 2nd segment, but in the second one he thought there was a crash<3-4 cars were pitting> and passed them under the yelow line, and got blackflagged again, but heres where the rules DONT STATE, YOU HAVE TO GAIN POSTION UNDER THE YELLOW LINE TO ORDER GETTING THE BLACK FLAG, unless you were force there you wont get one, carl edwards passed 3-4 cars yes be THEY WERE PITTING, and the postions he gained by going under the yellow line he lost almost imeditely going back on the track, Nascar really blew this call and should take INSTANT REPLAY to examine the races more,
as we cure our withdrawls from racing, i am looking forward to bring more RAMBLINGS as the seasons gets underway and thru the summer months..... have fun and thanks for reading the lastesr ramblings, take care