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that is great news. the thompson imca style mods are going to be a very good division in the near future. they were putting on a good show with only 7 or 8 of them last year. hope barnett would get one then they can battle it out in the new division together.
Yeah Glenn's my "step" uncle you could say. He's pretty excited about running the TIS mod this year. He'll be driving the #3 TIS mod. I haven't seen it yet but I'm told it looks good. He'll be fast I guarantee, Glenn can drive the wheels off of anything! His brother is coming up to join us this weekend to watch him.
curious, is he doing double duty in both the sportsman and tis mods. If he's not competing in the sportsman they might as well send the championship trophy out now, to get larry barnets name engraved.
From what I know, Glenn will run 6 races in the TIS mod division and the whole LTD division. Larry is as good as Glenn if not better, I believe he has a championship in his future. I love watching Glenn, Larry, Keith, and Scott duke it out they're great to watch for sure!!
The sportsman routinely put on the best show at thompson every week. Those barnett V boss battles are better than anything you will find in the cuppers. I am certainly happy to learn they will continue to battle it out for at least one more full season in the limited sportsman. csg
i hate to say it but the reason they battle so much is because there the only two with a big motor, those two spend the most on a motor for that series when its almost not even legal, i dont know about you guys but have you ever see them get teched they pull everything off those motors.
Personally I don't care if they're legal or illegal, I just like to watch them duke it out. That's why I pay the fee, to watch great racing. Hey you can't see that in 'Cup anymore. Like CSQ said, they put on a better show than a 'Cup finish!!
Speaking of 'Cup, I have four NHIS tix for sale for July. Main grandstand, section C north, rows 33/34, seats 5 and 6 each row.$95.00 each face value. Need to sell together. Great seats, start/finish line. They gotta go....I'm not into paying the $100.00 camp fee plus the racing sucks!
I think both Boss and Barnett's teams have some loyal sponsors that help them fund their engine programs a little better than some of the low budget teams in that division for sure. And we all know equipment is a big part of the equation these days, but I would have to say their experience behind the wheel has to count for something too. Both Glenn and Larry have 15 + years racing experience.
Maybe I am wrong, but did Larry not win the Championship like two years ago. My cousin helps them quite a bit and I thought they won the Championship. I could be wrong. You get senile with age ya know.
those two can drive no doubt about that its just it seems like you have the same winners every week when other guys could have that same chance if they could catch glenn or larry.