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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Hey Guys - I'm reachin' out to all my Forum peeps in hope of gathering more statistical information on the Speedbowl - I'm looking for everything from results (programs & news clippings), banquet award winners, demo winners, trailer races, post-finale events, time trial winners... friggin' anything!!!
Email me if you're interested and I'll give ya the detailed list of what I already have (thanks to some already helpful people) and what I'm still in need of. I know from our winter Trivia round-robin that you guys got some info I could use... so pony up!! lol
Sid, just prior to having to travel to WI for work I located a decent size stack of programs from the WSB, TIS & SMS. A couple WSB '70 vintage, mostly '80s & '90s stuff.
I should be back next week and will look through what I have and would be happy to pass it along.
Sid, got your email (see above for the response). How about looking to the Norwich Bulletin? They would post results in either Sunday or Mondays paper. The Day was also good with results. Don't know if they have a database for the '70 & '80s but I bet they could have something. Wether or not they would be helpful is another story.
I know I may have some old newspaper stuff the wife put in scrap books from the '70s when I was involved with Big Mike & Dick Dunn. I'll look next week.
Spd - you da man!!! That'd be awesome - definitely keep me posted...
As for the newspaper search.... ugh!!! Last resort only for a couple reasons. My insider @ the day says it'll cost some serious coin when you consider how many articles I would need. I'm pretty scarce on the weekly results from '51 to '85 - 35 seasons X 40 (avg) events a year (they ran on wed too for most of those years) - That's a lot of friggin articles and $$. The other options is the library, which I haven't explored yet, but I'm sure is free, yet more time consuming. If I come to a dead halt, I'll go that route, but hopefully it won't come to that (which means I'll see ya at the library in a couple months...lol)..
Also - Crafty vets like Zanardi have told me that there was even a time when the papers didn't even show up every week - so that's another reason why it's last resort.
Programs are the way to go, but most everyone has the same - mid 80's to present. I'm in desperate need of 1985 and before. I know there were programs then as I have 1 or two from each decade. And Brouwer's History does give me win totals & champions for every year until 1973. Scrapbooks are another thing that help - but some can be (obviously) driver/division specific which still leave gaps...
Anyway, give me a shout when you have time to check your stash... I've been pleasantly suprised with all the responses I'm getting - thanks to everyone!!!
How about Jos Golas that used to be a WSB announcer? I know Joe but have lost track of him. He used to work for the post office but I believe he retired. He used to be great friends with Paul Tramain (sp?) who had that number in Willimantic you could call for race results. I am not sure if Paul is still with us but if his paperwork was around that would fill big holes.
Ah yes Spd, Paul Tremain and his Checkered Flag Announcer. There would be a wealth of info to be garnered there for sure. In the days before race results on the "net" PT was the man. I remember I couldn't wait for late Sat night / Sun morning to call his results lines to get all the results from tracks all over Mass, NH, NY, and NJ. If by some chance you read this Paul or someone who is close to him does, I would just like to say thank you for all you have done for the sport we all love.
What up troops - sorry for the delay, I've been bombarded with emails and the like, took me a while to get back here... Through my research I've noticed Joe Golas was a legend on the mic for many years at the bowl - I don't know him or Paul Tremain personally (maybe I'm too young for this...ya ol' farts!!) I have been in touch with Golas' last partner in the booth though, Bob Freeman, and he's offered up a truckload from his attic stash - when I go to get the goods from him, I plan on pickin' his brain for people to hunt out as well..
Everyone's been great and more than willing to help - says a lot about our racing community.
Keep the ideas coming - email me anytime - Thanks, Sid
Sid, when I see some of the other historical sites I only wish we had something to help me remeber the good old days. So if I can help I would be happy to be part of it. My problem is over the next few months is my busy time for work & travel. But I will do what I can.
OWR, I found the NEAR site where they have the Hall Of Fame and want to write them and nominate Paul Tramian for the hall. I as you and many others, counted on Paul, Joe Golas and their counter parts to post results from all over. If memory serves me, they also had a NASCAR Grand National/Winston Cup line to call. One of Joe Golas' sons was involved in WMT a few years back, not sure if he still is, but he may have some insight as to where people and/or info may be.
The old phoneline, man that thing was like a "god' back in the day. I remeber foaming at the mouth waiting for New smyrna results on there. And it was awesome to find out results from races you could not make. I to believe in the Hall of Fame vote.
Incredible work Sid, definitly a job well done by all involved. It's like a "fantasy island" for stat geeks like ourselves, and your acknowledgment of our members contributions is very much appreciated, were just glad we could help in anyway.
if there is anything specific that you want pictures of, or anyone you wish me to "interview", ask them some questions as to whats going on.. just let me know!