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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
i beleave it was the thompson 300 weekend......... sept 1988 with chuck docerty in the marroon 02 car...... i remember it was a long race but am not sure if it was a 75 or a 100 lapper....... 50 street stocks or latemodels on the track you dont see anymore.....
maybe it was before the late 80s............. im guessing probally 1986........ and the winner was paul supernuet <aka in the 80s by a childhood joke SUPER-SNOT> in the orbit 82???? scott
Well, you're close on the year, but that's about it. :)
Well I should be shot for getting this one wrong since I was there and I remember a whole lot about the race. It was 1987 and it was in July, I think, Old age is setting in. The winner I'm really not sure I can recall corrrectly.
Maybe Jimmy Ward, or Jack Crosby. Go ahead and shoot me...........
I remember there was some controversy. I know we had a top 5 finish and had a shot at a better finish, but scoring was confusing due to the fact it was the first race we ran with counting the cautions and the drivers were used to going back to the last green flag lap.
I recall alot of us thought we would have to pit for gas, silly us, we barely used 10 gallons.
They also told us that tire changes would be done with a 4-way wrench only, no generators or Air tools.