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Ultra Motorsports closes shop, 2005 Champ looking for work: 2005 NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series Champion Ted Musgrave is agressively seeking a new ride in the Truck Series after learning that Ultra Motorsports will close its doors for good. Team Owner Jim Smith has decided to shut down his operation after a successful ten-year tenure in the series he helped pioneer.(Truckseries.com), kind of odd after the big announcememt switching to Ford in 2006. MORE: Although Dodge had pulled its support from team owner Jimmy Smith, the journeyman owner who was one of the initial founders of the series, had hoped to put a deal together with Ford. But nothing materialized. After weighing all the options Smith and his generals decided to shut the doors. Ted Musgrave received the news while at the shop in Mooresville, NC. "It's strange," Musgrave says. "Everyone is working hard, and you're setting up the car to go to Daytona. But the deal just didn't materialize. Jimmy said, 'I'm sorry. I'm not going to take any money out of my own pocket to do this any more.' Now that we won the championship he (Smith) feels fulfilled. He's like 'what do we have to prove now? Nothing.' But I still have three more years of racing and that's I want to do. I have three years in me before I consider being a crew chief or a spotter or whatever." As Musgrave says, there's never really a good time to get a pink slip, but with the truck series less than a week away from testing at Daytona and five weeks from the season opener, most teams already have drivers in place for 2006. "In my defense at least I've won the championship and have a champion's provisional to make every race," Musgrave says. "That will be attractive to a lot of owners, especially start-up teams. I want to explore all my options. It's a bad time because everyone is ready to test. I have to move quickly, but I don't want to make a mistake either. I'll be at Daytona one way or another." And whatever team ends up with Musgrave will be one lucky organization.(Sporting News)(1-6-2006)