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Mike Wallace back in the #09 for at least 7 races: Mike Wallace confirmed with Motorsports Lounge that he will attempt to qualify and race the #09 Miccosukee Gaming & Resorts Dodge owned by James Finch in the 2006 Daytona 500, and run six other races in the 2006 NASCAR Nextel Cup Season, and possibly more if the team can pick up additional sponsorship. "I am excited about going to Daytona with James Finch, Marc Reno and the team," said Team ML driver Mike Wallace. "We do have to qualify to get into the race, but once in, we are going for the win". Wallace and the team are not strangers as he has driven the #09 Dodge many times in the past. Wallace has had multiple top 12 finishes with the team, and came close to winning the Daytona 500 in 2003. Wallace also drove for Marc Reno in his first NASCAR Busch Series race and his first ARCA Series race. "Marc and I have a good working history, and we are confident we will have a good run in Daytona in the #09 Miccosukee Dodge." The team will be taking three cars (one old and two new) to Daytona for testing on January 16th, 17th and 18th [2nd session]. Currently, Mike Wallace and the team are looking to race seven races in 2006, which includes the two Daytona and two Talladega restrictor plate races, Richmond in Sept., night, Bristol in August and Homestead. However, the team is looking to race more events if they acquire additional sponsorship. Interested parties can contact James Finch of Phoenix Racing for details and sponsorship opportunities.(Motorsports Lounge PR)(1-5-2006)
Sorry, but I think the guy just gets in the way out there and causes wrecks. How many times was he involved in incidents last year holding up someone faster, like Smoke and others not other back markers. He also had the most lucky dogs meaning he is always laps down. I am sure there are more talented young drivers out there that deserve a chance.