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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Alumni Field-Lowell 1938-41 Athol Fairgrounds 1937-41 Attleboro/Interstate Speedway Park 1922-24, 33-38 now a mall Baylies/Cawley Stadium-New Bedford 1940-49 now I-195 Bellingham 1949-53 now an ice cream shop Beverly Airport-Danvers 1955-56 Bigberry Stadium/Fall River Speedway Boston Garden 1936-38 Bridgewater 1936 Brockton early 20's-41 Cambridge Fairgrounds 1935-39 Camp Joe Hooker/Lakeville Speedway also Golden Spur Century Stadium/West Springfield Speedway ---- see dog track Charles River Park 1898 Chatham 1970s Country Club of Brookline 1901 Crescent Oval-Springfield 1940 maybe West Springfield Dracut 1946-55 ----open lot and baseball field per aerial shot in 1994 Eastern States Coliseum 1994 Springfield Indians hockey arena---see speedway Eastern States Speedway 1917-68----partially visable, but frontstrech was used for the koie chitwood shows in the 80s Evergreen-New Bedford now an airport Fall River 1939-42 now a playground Golden Cove-Chelmsford 1935----used for i495? Golden Spur/Lakeville 20's, 1938, 1941, 1946, 1964-75 Great Barrington 1936-46-----fair is still there, closed because of finances and in 1995 was hit by a F4 torando Horace Mann/New Franklin 1940-46 now a mall Hyannis Port 1935 Lawson-Scituate 20s Lincoln Park-boston 1935 Lowell/Merrimack Valley Course 1907-09, 1912 Lynn 1932 Marlborough 1934-35 Marshfield 1933-24, 1936 Marstons Mills 1935 Medford/Mystic Valley 1946-54 Mohawk Stadium-Lunenburg 1948-49 drive-in theatre New Bedford Airport 1957 Northampton 1933-41-----possabilly on the fairgrounds????, if so the track is still there but used for horses Norwood 1948-72 industrial park Orange 1954-70-----drag strip???? its partcally visable per aerial shot on the vintageracer.com Oxford 30's, 1946 Pines Speedway-Groveland 1940-71----police station and liberary on the site Pynchon Park-Springfield 1937 Radio Bowl-Medford 1941 Readville-Boston 1902-37 Rhythm Inn Speedway-Millers Falls 1951-59 Riverside Park-Medford 1937-39 Riverside Park-Agawam recently closed-----closed in 1999 2 rides for the amusement park was put in the place of the track Rockdale Park-Peabody 1930 Rockland 1939-40 ROund the Houses-Edgertown 1935 Saugus 1931, 46-58 Springfield 1909 Sturbridge 1936-40 Topsfield 1937-50's Wayland 1934-35 Warr Park-Wareham 1926 West Peabody 1946-63 now running track West Roxbury 1936 West Springfield/Century Stadium/New Springfield 1939-58 now a mall,former dog track-----Where bobs discount furniture is now, small plaza Westboro 1947-85 now a mall Westborough 1957 Westover Air Force Base 1954 Weymouth 1936-41 Whitney Lake ice oval 1954 Worcester Fairgrounds 1920-35
We ran the old Camp Joe Hooker speedway in the early '70s at the end of the WSB season. Only time we ran dirt. Big Mike, George Allum & Bob Blanchett all went up there. We would win the full bodied class by a lap+ and then finish in the top 10 in the modified class. Big John Kershaw owned the mod class back then.
They thought we had a professional built car back then because we had a mandrel bent cage and a safety hub on the right front, lol.
During the '72 season we were keeping the car at Fat Al's (Budda of Budda's Bullit) and at the end of the season we decided to go up there again. The car was on the hauler and we just jacked it up to change the gears. Because the hauler was a ramp bed with a beaver tail we had to wait until we got to the track to unload and get the car level to add gear lube. Well, guess what happened? After we cooked it real good in the 1st warm ups one of the other racers had a friend with a junk yard and we went and got a set of gears there. They weren't the right ratio but better than just going home and that afternoon we only won by a half lap.
It was called the Golden Spur raceway in Lakeville, MA.
Broke a drive shaft in the hauler once coming home and had to leave the hauler & car in Seekonk, MA overnight. Luckly it was a fenced in area so we only had to take the tool box back with us.