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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
if you seen this track mentioned in the NEAR HOF website...... this is the millers falls racetrack that was used sometime in the 50s and 60s, not much mention about this track but it is still there outline wise, funny thing is that when i am on the road on a job, i did go by the airport and not knowing the track was there, but further investigating i was told the track would be in that location, alot of drivers from the 40s and 50s era raced there and was pretty close to west brattleboro speedway<????? is that the name of it???> and monannock speedway, from what i am thinking is that the monannock speedway had nothing to do with the closeur of millers falls because it was not opened untill 1971<was a gravel pit before> if i can get into the millers falls race track area i will maybe take pictures<if there any good viewing points on where things were possabilly> hope you enjoy a peice of vintage mod or other kind of racing period, if anyone has any more information on these following tracks<when it closed, location or what became of the sites> it would be helpfull and i can post images like above and see a glimps of history...... take care
Pretty cool Scott. I Did some surfing and as you said some big names from "back in the day" turned laps there. Buddy Krebs, Don Rounds, and Booker T Jones among others races there.
yes there was many names that raced there back in those days........... people that use to race westboro riverside etc etc....... heres what i got back from Dick Monahan......
I dropped by 3 or 4 years ago, and it looked much like the picture. I'll bet that pic is at least that old.
I spent every summer Friday night there from '54 - '58. The Rhythm Inn was a dive (strip joint) located where you can see a driveway off the East end of the track (1st/2nd turns). The payoff was held in the club, so a lot of it never left the property.
BTW, there's a new web site, www.local.live.com that has even closer photos for some parts of the country (Miller's Falls included).
Dick Monahan
plus i got some years of operation for the track..........
According to Allan Brown's History of America's Speedways the track in Millers Falls, Mass. was named Rhythm Inn Speedway and operated from May 1951-59 as a third mile dirt oval.
ok guys, you will be excited at the details of this ghost track, the track is still there, although you will never know it being on the side of the road..... if you look at the aerial shot above, i parked in that spot on the right which could have been the parking lot of the old strip joint that was connected to the speedway<of turn 1?????> i think dick monahan could help us out with this, i only got to see the outer birm and tires that were stuck in the birms on the outside of the track, snow was the major element deflecting my view, going back to the aerial shot, if you see the trail going around in a oval, that is the lower grove because the track surface i beleave extended 30 feet outwards. in allen browns book it was listed as a 1/3rd, but i think its impossable, it looks like a tight 1/4...... once the snow clears this week i will take the 30 min trip back over there to take pictures and visit around town to find out more about the track<route 63 roadhouse?????>
update from dick monahan......... the way you see the track, left corner is turn 3 and the right corner is turn 1.........
"The stands were between the track and the road, with the flagstand right in the middle of the stands on the outside of the track. The race cars entered at the West end of the track. We pitted in the infield. I think most of the spectator parking was at the West end, too. The gin mill was not connected to the track. It was a short walk. There was a back room with its own little bar (probably a function room?) where the payoff was made. The last time I stopped by to look at it must have been longer ago than I was thinking, because I remember still being able to see across the infield. Now, it looks like it is filled with trees.
We always thought of the track as a 1/4. It was definitely shorter than Keene, where we ran Thursday nights. (Keene was the Cheshire Fairgrounds, actually in W.Swanzey). Keene was a 1/3, inside the old 1/2".
I just can't get over the fact you had a race track and a, "gentlemen's club" in such close proximity to one an another. What a concept, nothing we guys like better than fast cars and fast woman!
Now now OWR. None of us serious "race chasers' would ever think of using a gentlemans club as a meeting point for our racing endeavors. I would never meet a former SK / BGN driver at a place like that just to go racing. Or would I LOL.
Scott that is some great history you are digging up there.
in the layout link on top of the thread...... it would have been on the right hand side of the layout...... ive walked thru the woods and everything and theres no traces of it.... could have been torn down after the track closed.... when its nicer out i will take another look and walk thru the outskirts of the track its self..... since i only walked from the inner peices<oval and 10 feet from the birms and pit area> maybe theres something to see if i walk where the parking lot was<strip joint and race track used the same parkinglot>