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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
well this is not my addtion of flashback, but it could very well be..... to the older generation it might be like "oh yessssssssssssssssssss" in the sim racing world, me<helping out with pictures and general layout>...... but this person has 90% of the credit because he made it happen and thank you.... there is pictures i will show you underneath....... there was a few issues with how the track was going to react, but it should be fantastic...... here was the issues.........
1 when the cars hit the bank, there was times that it cought air too many times and flew over.....
2. we had to use a older version of thompson as a base, by the book it is a .625 mile track.... the older version was .542, which does make the track run at the speeds of 1970......
3. to prevent cars from leaving the track totally, this gentalmen put invisable tirewall on the backside of sandbanks because the game would crash onto desktop..........
with no futher or due........... here are the screenshots thus far....... it is around 90% done..... and BTW, waterford is almost done as well<done by another simmer> here is the shots
well for this kind of game its for CUP GNS or CTS.........
theres is a modifiaction AERO 88<80s style bodys> that also uses the CTS physics can be used for this also...... further more there is a new mod comming out and its with the 1970 type bodys<thompson have the cup boy there 69 and 70> im pretty sure you can run just about anything there when its done........ it should be done within the week.........