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Talladega to be repaved: Talladega Superspeedway officials announced that the racetrack is set to be repaved for the first time since 1979, and the project is scheduled to be completed in time for the 2006 UAW-Ford 500, race four in the 2006 Chase for the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup. The project will include complete asphalt repaving of the 2.66-mile tri-oval track, apron and pit road. A portable asphalt plant will be mobilized to the site in December of this year, and on-site work will begin in February, when trial batches of the asphalt pavement will be produced and asphalt test strips will be constructed on superspeedway property. Engineers are expected to begin formulation of asphalt mix designs and designing the required equipment modifications in December. The repaving project will begin immediately following the April 28-30, 2006 Aaron's Dream Weekend at Talladega. This will be the fourth paving project for Talladega Superspeedway, with the first being the actual construction of the track for its opening in September 1969, which was followed by a repaving project completed in time for the 1970 season. The third and most recent paving was completed at the conclusion of the 1979 racing season. Plans are in the works for the most exciting year of racing yet at Talladega Superspeedway in 2006, and don't forget that the holidays are just around the corner! Cross your favorite race fans off your shopping list first by purchasing them race weekend gift certificates to NASCAR's Most Competitive Track. The first opportunity to use the certificates will be for the 2006 Aaron's Dream Weekend set for April 28-30. To order tickets, call 1-877-Go2-DEGA (1-877-462-3342). For news and other information on Talladega Superspeedway, check out the track's web site at www.talladegasuperspeedway.com.(TSS PR)(12-15-2005)
<<<<<alot of people are scared to death about what is going to happen when its finally done, but what i can tell you that the speeds are not going to raise that much and plain to see point is a smooth ride..... i think the next track will be daytona which was last repaved in 1979....
while the new surface sounds good, what kind of chaos can we expect. The speeds should be even higher and a green track, oh boy. how big can the big one be ?
the speed gain should not be that big but the green track will be an issue, if there running 190 now...... it should be only 193-194 range since tires and handling is not a issue, plus the shock packages will change..... daytona on the other hand.... probally would have a bigger speed gain since tires and handling is more in effect..... plus with tally they would have to grind down most of the track basically so in a few years the track will not be where it was before the repave.... darlington and stafford for example had every ounce of pavement taken out and was regraded but i dont see it happening with tally, too much work and so little time
They will just downsize the restrictor plate now that they will be able to race a little and just make for wrecks on new pavement rather than actual racing. I wish they would do away with Talladega & Daytona and just run where they can race and pass. More Bristols maybe even a 500 lapper at Terry's Place in Waterford with pitting in the dirt pits. Hell, if it's good enough for the Busch cars & Tour Mods why not the Cuppers!