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I have done a lot of searching on the topic of North Wilkesboro Speedway. Here are some of the RUMORS thats have been circulating . Rememeber this is ALL RUMORS as of now .
1. The track IS up for sale . Although the price seems to be set higher than what the county values the track at .The asking price is $12 million.
2. Save the Speedway is the leaders in the fight to re-open the track. They have a petition with over 4500 signatures, reperesenting all 50 states and 5 countries.
3. The ASA Late Model race is the only confirmed date so far. The race is October 21st.
4. Cup, Busch and Truck teams have sent letters of intent to practice and test at the track if re-opened .
5. Several racing series have sent letters of intent to compete at the track if re-opened . among those series are the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tours , ISMA SuperModified Tour, USAC Silver Crown, Ford Focus Midgets and Pavement Sprint Cars, ARCA Trucks, Hoosier Outlaw 410 Winged Sprints, INEX Thunder Roadsters, Allison Legacy Series, USCS Sprint Cars, Rolling Thunder Modifieds, Hooters Pro-Cup and USRA Street Stocks .
6. Dates shave been penciled in for several WKA Karting events, to bve run on a 1/5 mile infield track .
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 17:55, 2005-12-12