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North Wilkesboro over valued by Smith? Bruton Smith, the co-owner of the North Wilkesboro Speedway, has named his price to sell the track to Wilkes County government: $12 million. But county officials say the offer isn't reasonable for a depreciating track that requires a lot of work and is listed on the tax rolls with a value of $4.83 million. All five county commissioners have met during the past few months with representatives of a group called Save the Speedway. The group's Internet site gathered 4,582 signatures of support for getting racing again at North Wilkesboro. The Save the Speedway folks have also been talking to Smith. They love the track and say they have plans that could get racing there next year. What they don't have is financial backing. They want the county to buy the speedway, then lease it to them. But county officials say that Wilkes cannot take on all of the financial risk.(Winston Salem Journal) and more info about saving the track at: savethespeedway.net.(12-12-2005)