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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Did anyone get a feeling that the awards show was filled with tension?
I realize that it has been a long season, but I never saw so many "stiffs" especially when the comic host was doing his "thing". Were they afraid to laugh in case it might offend a sponsor or a car owner?? To me the show seemed a bit like hurry up, fake smiles and compliments that they really ment?
The best part was the Rusty Wallace segment.
The music was semi-o.k. I know they are trying to reach all demographics. But I wonder if the two performers even knew what NASCAR was.
Next season will be interesting anyhow with driver,crew cheif and most likely more rule changes.
Wow, Racechaser, I couldn't have said it better. I have been thinking all day about what an awful Award's Banquet it was and how even some of the local tracks have put on more exciting events.
The highlight of the night for me was Will Ferrell, without a doubt. But, how scary was it when he walked up there? Now mind you, this is one of the highest paid, critically renowned comics out there, and he barely got a chuckle. Jay Mohr on the other hand, good at what he does, but where the connection to Nascar comes in is certainly questionable. OWR said it best, "maybe he was all they were willing to spend on an MC, and he is certainly better than that automaton Keifer Sutherland". It also was downright apparent that Jay Mohr was instructed on what he could and couldn't say, as you could see it was absolutely killing him not to make some impaired driving comments about Kurt Busch. He was funny, and very underappreciated. But, if he mentioned alimony one "Mohr" time I was gonna puke.
...and speaking of Kurt Busch, what a joke. He had every opportunity to admit his wrongdoing, and I don't mean anything about drinking. Just about his being a disrepectful jerk. He did admit that he should be grateful to have the opportunity that he has, but the rest of his speech was sugar coated crap. Rusty even looked just downright disgusted when Busch mentioned that "Rusty Wallace is leaving big shoes to fill". He sure is.
Toni Braxton. Hhhhmmm. Okay, she is probably just about as cheap to get as Jay Mohr. She was popular in her day, and just within the last year came out a self-imposed retirement and released a new album that did not really do well. Was Scott Stapp too expensive this year? Certainly he would have had more of a racing connection than TB. What ever happened to Creed, Brooks and Dunn, The Oak Ridge Boys, Hootie and the Blowfish, etc.... I think Dale Earnhardt would have been horribly dissappointed in their choices for entertainment.
And with all the money Nascar takes from the average blue-collar worker during the year, they could have given back. I realize that to have this banguet in New York at that specific venue, is probably very costly, but, we as the viewer don't get the benefit of that part, but we do get to enjoy the music, or sleep through it. Do you think if they made it a pay per view event they would have spent more on the music? Probably. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.
All in all, a C- this year. I fell asleep many times throughout the show and never even bothered to check TIVO and catch up with what I missed. I was not the least bit interested.
Thanks for listening to my diatribe, I just can't wait for Daytona.
And that Will Ferrell movie!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
I am glad that I was not the only one with the same opinion of the show. What happen to Sheryl Crow?? She did a fantastic job a few years ago she appreciates what NASCAR is all about.The NASCAR fans old and new; the Winston Cuppers and the Nextels. Could appreciate her entertainment. There is a happy medium I am not sure the NASCAR management know how to get there. Racing roots are in the South and should be celebrated that way ! New York City fine, but funky entertainment nooo.
As for Kurt Bush he has to start all over again, going to crawl before he can walk tall again. He should take a look at Tony Stewart and how he has changed up his persona, a more mature Tony.
I am sure the late great Dale Earnhardt would of taken Mike Helton and Bill France by the collar and let them know how and what to spend the cash on for the finale celebration of NASCAR for the season.
The Winston Cuppers I talk to loose intrest in the Media cartoon hype throughout the season and the constant commecials,commercials and commercials. I hope that 2006 brings some sense into the televised racing . So much high tech and virtual information, you loose the reason of the racing passion. Racing is not a science project it is the passion of the the desire to race.
They should take a page from the local short tracks where it isn't the money or high tech that inspires a driver to race it is the passion.