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With the annoucement of the Busch North , becoming the Busch East and travelling to more southern venues I did a little thinking .For those who know me this can be scary . LOL.
Any how I thought about the increased strain on team budgets . More than one Northern team has folded or cut bach their schedules laready due to increased costs . The new body rules already were a huge financial strain to most teams , and the increased travelling may be more than some can handle .
I think it is time for an alternative Series . Much like the TVMRS is an alternative to running the high cost Whelen Modified Tour. Let them use the older bodies . and keep them up North .
Use the same 100 green flag laps and heats concept . Can you imagine Busch heat races ?
It is just a crazy idea I have , what do you think?
Anything would be an improvement to what they intend to do. Bush "East" is only running 9 Races?? Just large venues. I think it is a Big Mistake.
The Bush (North) fan base is in the NORTH. I wonder how many will fill the stands??. If most of the races are tag alongs with the Cup races maybe people will come. But the fan base was wayning anyhow.
I rather pay to go see the PASS Tour or the TVMRS Tour.
I agree allot of the Bush Teams will be priced out and then the feild will be even smaller.