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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
yesterday, i posted a subject in which if the points where CLASSIC, from 11th to 15th dont really matter in this equation, BUT as said before, Nascar really made a seroius blunder and it does look like 1 aspect of the chase has failed, THEY have said that you must win 1 race to have a chance, good ole tony stewart proved them all wrong, and in addtion, the points did not change drastically as intended either, carl edwards and jimmy johnson changed postion and rusty wallace and ryan<no neck> newman also swaped places.. and of course kurt busch finished 10th.....
The 2nd part of this ramblings section is the rather interesting article in the Lakeville ledgar, you can also read this in our important announcements, the "numbskull move of the week" does not go to a driver,crew chief, or an offical, this award goes to a reporter from the lakeville ledger, this man does not have a clue on what racing is, comming from a go-cart backround, there is alot more than going around in circles, appaerently this man takes a 90 degree turn at 5 mph per hour because of this, when your turning left or right, 1. your head wants to go either left or right when does cause strain in the neck and shoulder areas, 2. in terms of stamia, maybe this so called reporter needs to lock himself in a car with the windows closed during the summer and only have a gallon of water to have with him for 4 hours because he failed to state that a racecar does get up to 135 degrees, in any case, there is some sports we dont understand, like what does it take to swing a golf club, run up and down a basketball court and squeaking your shoes, rolling a ball down the alley, or swinging a bat, in any case it takes skill and awareness to master it even if we dont understand it, so in closing, this reporter must use his head for something other that to hang his teeth and should open his eyes......
the 3rd and last part is the news that eilliot sadlers crew chief for 2006 is our fellow northeastern tommy baldwin jr, i think this is a great addtion to RYR, maybe things with everham was not working out, look for this duo to make a impact in years to come, well that sums it up for this week and i hope you enjoyed reading my ramblings for the week.... till then