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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I went to the rules meeting. A few good topics came up like the used tour tire deal. Tires can be acquired from tour teams now instead of being bought from the speedway, restrictor plates being stamped at the edge of the holes so they don't have to be returned each week after the race, ect....For the most part, it was pretty amusing evening. Had a great time all in all.
Glad you went Sf, hopefully you found out more of what you needed to know for the "adventure" your about to embark on. I haven't been to a Bowl rules meeting for a couple of years now, I'm sure Spd, WMT, and a few others remember "back in the day" when the rules meetings were held at the Cohanzie fire house and it was b.y.o.b, yes bring your own beer and the meetings were usually just one long drawn arguement. Like TE or not, there is a lot of things that he has done to make things better for everyone.
Not while I was there Pat. We left shortly after the X modified rules discussion. I'm not sure if they talked about issuing numbers. Thanks for reminding me though, I forgot to even bring that topic up because I need to register a number!!
If I hear anything about it, I'll post it fir ya....
Like I had said in an earlier post I didn't attend the meetings but, I heard a good one from the SK rules meeting that I wanted to see if anyone else had any more info on. The tid bit was that an SK team and driver, will run a crate or spec type motor next season and help develop it for the track with hopes of every SK team switching to them in the future. Can anybody else elaborate more on this?
There are a few that have been running basket motors for a while now. Every time they blow up they have to dig deeper in the basket to put it back together.
Hey Ben, well to answer your question, rather lousey. My car has been sitting dormant outside under a tarp for a couple of months. My garage space deal didn't go through. I still plan on having fun with it next year though even if it's only a limited schedule.
I recently bought a set of Lobak mufflers, some upper quarter panels from the Tomaino #99, blow proof bellhousing from Jim Storace, and a bunch of other goodies.
I need to have my master cylinders,clutch master cyl. and calipers rebuilt. Does anyone know of kits to rebuild the Wilwood units? I also need to replace the fuel lines and replace the fuel cell with a new unit. Looks like I have my work cut out for me.
As for a driver, it's kinda up in the air. There's a long story that follows that one!!!
I also need to comment on the "old school" rules meetings . Seemed more like the first turn at the track (where the beer booth is ) than a rules meeting . I can remember a few wiytth a certain Open wheel fan , that got quite out of control . I also must second the fact that love or hate TE , he has done quite a bit .
i tend to agree with WMT on where the meetings need to be.......
i remember very well one time when my father was at a rules meeting before the season started and it turned out to be a verbal sparing session..... i guess things has not changed.... lol
WMT,thanks for the support. I'll check with Wilwood on the kits. We'll be at the 'bowl this year at some point. About the meeting, there was alot of beer flowing that's for sure! Had a few myself.....
Well folks, I had to make a decision, keep the car and sink a bunch of cash into it or sell it and save to buy a house and some land. Unfortunately, I can't have both right now so I've decided to sell the car. Anyone interested? It's an early '90s SK custom built by CJR racing who was a company that built race truck chassis'.Less motor & radiator. Comes with many parts, 2 hoods,headers,Lobaks,steel bellhousing,oil cooler,ect....This car would make a great X modified or SK lites car. Looking to get $3500.00 or best offer.Anyone interested can email me or call me at (401)641-6438. Man, this is killin' me to post but hey, they're making modifieds everyday and they're not making anymore land!!!
As much as we are all race-aholics I think you'll find we all agree on your choice. A much smarter investment for now and you can always try racing later.
Well, I sold the modified. I got a race kart out of the deal too. I never knew these things were so much fun! I think I might just give racing it a try, and it's soooo much cheaper than racing a modified.