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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Devin Jones headed into the second UARA-STARS series race at Dillon Motor Speedway primed for a strong finish. Jones and crew chief Chase Pistone were confident that the team would be able to show their skill and bring the car home with a strong points finish. After putting down a 3rd-place qualifying run and finishing in 7th, thats just what they did.
Rolling into Dillon we felt very comfortable because we have done many Super Late Model races at that track, said Jones. We are still learning how to drive these cars compared to a Super, but Im starting to hit my stride. This car and these tires are all very new to me, but Im now really starting to get the feel of this combination.
On Friday practice Pistone and the Devin Jones Racing team had to work through a number of changes to hit the right set up for Dillon. But the car didnt truly come to life until practice on Saturday.
On Saturday, Chase and Greg did lot of work and hit the set up, said Jones. When they did, the car was great. We went out to qualify and Chase gave me some good tips that really helped out. The car was excellent and we qualified third.
The race started pretty much as the team planned with Jones running conservatively to save his equipment.
I was slightly concerned about possibly overheating the brakes, said Jones. In the Super you use them a lot but in this you use them very little. And, I dont like to use a chip on the motor that can prevent some of the brake wear. In the end, the brakes ended up working fine. They were a little hot, but not bad.
After the 150 lap race, Jones crossed the line in 7th. It was the solid points run the team needed for momentum going into UARAs third stop at Rockingham Motor Speedway.
It was good hard racing, said Jones. Im learning now who I can race hard with, and who I have to race harder. It was a solid effort. I know now that were not going to get any slower. Were heading in the right direction. I certainly see a podium coming soon.
Id like to specially thank Chase Pistone, Greg and the rest of the team for all of their hard work, said Jones. Hats off to the UARA-STARS group as well. They are certainly a very professionally run organization from race direction to tech to overall organization they run a series that is a notch above the rest.
Next up for Devin Jones Racing will be the UARA-STARS third race at Rockingham Motor Speedway this coming weekend when the UARA-STARS series runs during the same weekend at the NASCAR Camping World Trucks.