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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
It's not our usuual Thanksgiving here at home today. Usually, we would have gotten everything all ready last night to head down to Wall Stadium directly after eating that great big meal this afternoon. But, between the snow surprise Connecticut had today, and the continued threat of frigid temperatures down on the Jersey Turnpike, we collectively decided to forgo this year's Annual Turkey Derby.
We had hoped that the site septagenarian would have taken up our slack and kept us in the news with results from the track, but he too has decided to just stay home. This is the man who two days after having cataract surgery took me on a ride from hell, in the rain, at night, in Pike Holiday traffic, not telling me "he was fine (except for the double vision)" until we had made it safely down to the track parking lot. Sense my fear? Luckily by that time I had indulged in some adult beverages and had taken a pre-trip tranquilizer....
He would drive with double vision but the threat of 40 degree and below temperatures was too much for him. I know he will regret his desicion until at least next year. But, you are certainly one of the things I will be thankful for on this day to give thanks. Thanks for instilling in me this love of racing, and thanks for driving all those years and letting us enjoy ourselves.
As for my hubby, who I am thankful for everyday, I wanted to remind you of a little story. Remember that year at Wall that you refused to top off the propane tanks because you were just gonna go winterize the camper when we got home anyway? Remember having to pour warm water on your butt to be able to peel it away from the camper walls like a tongue on a frozen flagpole? Luckily, I forgave you and we just snuck into the aforementioned guys camper, all toasty warm...and now who wants to turn up the thermastat, Huh? Huh?
Thanks for indulging me. Thanksgiving Day 2005 and there is just so much to be thankful for. Thank God I live in CT, USA and not New Orleans, or Afghanistan. I pray that everyone is able to reap the "harvest" of a great meal today. And to everyone else Happy Thanksgiving from everyone here at MakingLaps.com, and even to this guy, who without, today would just not be possible, and who I hear screaming as I write this...
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!