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Kinser working on Truck Ride for 2006: Kraig Kinser, son of perennial sprint car champion Steve Kinser, is close to signing a deal that would put him in the #47 Chevy for Morgan-Dollar Motorsports in 2006 on a full-time basis. Kinser is a developmental driver for the MB2 Motorsports Nextel Cup Series team, and the effort will be a co-op between MB2 and MDM. The deal is not done yet, but everyone has agreed to the terms. Kraig Kinser is under contract to MB2, but MDM is working on a deal with them where they contract with MDM to give him a ride next season. Team sources confirmed MB2 will bring the sponsor and they will be responsible for funding the team, MDM would be responsible for running it. TruckSeries.com expects an official announcement regarding the future of the Morgan-Dollar team's #47 Chevy would be made in the coming weeks.(Truckseries.com)(11-19-2005)
Kraig Kinser to Run Full Truck Series in #47: An innovative, multi-year partnership between MB2 Motorsports and Morgan-Dollar Motorsports will put Kraig Kinser behind the wheel of the #47 Chevrolet Silverado in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series. The 21-year-old Indiana native will run for 2006 NCTS Rookie of the Year honors under the tutelage of championship-winning crew chief Randy Goss. "This is a tremendous opportunity for me," Kinser said. "Morgan-Dollar Motorsports is clearly the class of the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series. Some great drivers have driven the #47 the past two seasons and have had great races and finishes. I know I will be in the best equipment out there. "Having Dennis Setzer as a teammate and working with a crew chief like Randy Goss is the perfect situation for me as a rookie. I am looking forward to having their experience to learn from throughout the season," added Kinser. "This is a tremendous opportunity for our organization," said David Dollar, team owner. "Kraig is unquestionably one of the rising young talents in NASCAR. Establishing a partnership with MB2, one of the most respected and well managed teams in the NEXTEL Cup garage, continues the philosophy that is the driving force of our team. We want to continue to be the leader for the Chevrolet Silverado brand in the NCTS and set the standard to which others aspire to achieve. Having a relationship with MB2 provides us with access to additional resources and tools necessary to continue to make our Silverados the trucks to beat in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series." MB2 Motorsports fields the full-time Chevrolet Monte Carlo rides of Joe Nemechek and Sterling Marlin in NASCAR NEXTEL Cup competition. "We have been impressed with what we have seen so far from Kraig," said Jay Frye, MB2's CEO and general manager. "Our ability to work in partnership with Morgan-Dollar Motorsports is going to be a big key to the success Kraig has in building his NASCAR career. Their organization is top-notch and they continue to demonstrate why they are the premier team in the NCTS. We are excited about this partnership and are looking forward to a great season for Kraig."(GM Racing News)(1-12-2006)