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Ken Schrader has joined the Wood Brothers/JTG Racing Team. He’ll drive the famed #21 Ford Fusion during the 2006 Nextel Cup season. The car will be sponsored by the newest face in NASCAR ? Little Debbie, America’s #1 snack cake. “I look forward to establishing a winning tradition with Wood Brothers/JTG Racing and Little Debbie Snacks,” says Schrader. “Some of the most victorious drivers in NASCAR history have driven the Number 21 car. I intend to continue that winning tradition in 2006. Three years ago, I thought that 2005 could be my last season. However, when the opportunity to drive for the Wood Brothers and Little Debbie presented itself, it made my decision to continue driving in the Nextel Cup Series very easy,” says Schrader. “There is always excitement when a new company realizes the marketing potential of NASCAR for increasing its business and then decides to enter the sport. This is going to be fun!” Little Debbie will be the primary sponsor of the #21 car for 19 races in 2006. Motorcraft Quality Parts and the U.S. Air Force will rotate their sponsorship of the Ford Fusion for the remaining races during the 2006 season. Collegedale, Tennessee-based McKee Foods, a privately held, family-run company, has manufactured more than 150 billion Little Debbie snacks since 1960 — that’s enough to circle the 1.5-mile oval track at Homestead-Miami Speedway more than 1.3 million times. Little Debbie snacks have even orbited the Earth on the space shuttle, traveling more than 17,500 miles an hour. The #21 Little Debbie-sponsored car was unveiled following a news conference today at the Homestead Miami Speedway. A $21,000 check was presented to the Florida Hurricane Relief Fund to offer immediate assistance to victims of Hurricane Wilma in southern Florida.(McKee Foods/Little Debbie), see images of the car on my 2006 #21 Team Schemes page.(11-18-2005)