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Seitz Repeats Efforts and Grabs 2005 NEMA Championship
NJ Native, Ben Seitz, once again pushed his racing abilities to the max and locked in his second straight NEMA (NorthEastern Midget Association) championship. Seitz, a product of the Hillisborough school system with his parents still residing in Skillman, put many years in locally between go karts and legend cars before making the big jump into the midgets.
Ben Seitz had a banner year in 2004 & 2005 with NEMA wheeling a 900 lb winged car powered via a hand built 162 cubic inch fuel injected engine producing above 350 + HP. These are the same cars that NASCAR brass, like Tony Stewart, prefer to drive and, in fact, does any chance he gets. Why? Because these cars, pound for pound, are some of the fastest and toughest cars to wheel around any race track, from the ¼ mile bullrings to the big mile tracks.
In 2004 Ben grabbed 4 wins and 7 hard charger awards in just 12 races. Along with those fine stats came a well deserved NEMA Championship and a place in the NEMA history books. And making it even more special, Ben had not won a NEMA event prior to his stellar 2004 season as his first two seasons were plagued with heartbreaks and motor problems. The 2005 Season ended with 5 win’s, 4 - 2nd’s, 3-4th’s, 1-5th’, with 2 dnf’s (14th, & 15th)..That’s 13 top 5’s out of 15 races. Most would’ve killed for a single win and a few top 5’s due to the grueling competition the series carries. The 2005 season, unlike 2004, saw Seitz fight for the championship down to the final lap of the final race. Motor woes plagued the team at several points throughout the year but with the backing of his car owner, Pete Valeri, and major sponsors Cape Cod Aggregates and Valeri Construction, the team pushed on. Seitz went into that final race with just a two point lead over crafty veteran and well known driver Joey Payne, another NJ resident. But in the end it was Seitz edging Payne for both the victory that day and for the championship! All in all, a hard fought but well earned battle that even further solidified the now Monument Beach, MA resident’s name in both the NEMA record book and in the world of motorsports in general. With the 2005 season down, Seitz will now turn his focus to 2006 to see what comes up. Currently Seitz is looking for a ride for the big TQ race in January in Atlantic City, NJ. As anyone that has followed Seitz career knows, the more strange and tough a track is, and the indoor AC track surely is, the tougher Seitz is! Any interested parties may contact Jeff@ThrowinItDown.com for more information on his accomplishments and for contact information.
As for what's up next for the young Ben Seitz, only time will tell. Seitz would love to get seat time in an asphalt modified and a ride in a supermodified but nothing has been solidified for the coming season. Seitz did very successfully test a supermodified out in OH and was set to run a race with the ISMA sanctioning body but a rainout shut those plans down. In his first time out he was running lap times consistent with those in the top 10! But then again, why would one expect anything different from a young man that has won in everything he’s ever driven?
In closing, keep your eyes on Seitz, he just may end up on the TV one day next to the likes of Tony Stewart or Jeff Gordon. He’s go the talent. He’s got the attitude. And Most important of all, he’s got the look in his eye that lets everyone know that he’s not quite ready to stop with his most recent conquer. To keep up with Ben and what’s going on stop by www.BenSeitzRacing.com.