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UPDATE - Skinner to the #22? Forget those Ward Burton returns stories for Bill Davis Racing next season. Mike Skinner will drive the Caterpillar Dodge #22 in 2006, teaming with Michael Waltrip in the NAPA #55.(RacingOne)(11-1-2005)
UPDATE 2: Bill Davis Racing reiterated and confirmed today, contrary to recent rumors, a new driver has not been signed to pilot the #22 Caterpillar Dodge in 2006. “We are still finalizing the details around the CAT Racing program for next year,” said Bill Davis, team owner and president. “Of course, we have our eye on what the ideal fit would be and are hoping everything works out that way.” Recent rumors have developed around Davis’ Toyota Racing driver, Mike Skinner, as being the next one to fill the seat of the #22, but Davis stated that is not part of the game plan. “I don’t know how stuff like this gets started, but none of that is true,” Davis said. “Skinner is a great driver and is doing a great job for us and Toyota in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series. We’re all happy with that entire program and how it is progressing. We’re hoping it will be even more successful in 2006. I cannot stress this enough, but we are not going to do anything to distract from that. Skinner is the fulltime driver of the #5 Toyota Tundra and there are no plans, nor were there ever, to put him in the #22 car.” Davis is asking for everyone’s patience in this matter and wants to remind everyone that until BDR officially announces its plans, everything else is hearsay and pure speculation. “People don’t realize when they concoct stuff like this, how it can truly be detrimental to the business side of this sport,” Davis said. “I am working hard to get everything nailed down for next year and as soon as that is done I will be very eager to let everyone else know about it. Hopefully, we will be able to announce the future plans for the #22 team in the near future.”(Bill Davis Racing)(11-2-2005)