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Wimmer/BDR part ways after 2005: Bill Davis Racing announced today Scott Wimmer will finish the 2005 season as the driver of the #22 Caterpillar Dodge in the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series, but will not be returning behind the wheel of the #22 car in 2006. This will mark the conclusion of a four-year relationship in which car owner Bill Davis and Wimmer started in 2001, when Davis signed the young driver to a multi-year deal to drive for him in the NASCAR Busch Series. “Scott is a good driver and person. I know I speak on behalf of everyone at Bill Davis Racing and our sponsors when I say we wish him well,” said Bill Davis, team owner and president. “This is the part of this business I don’t like. Change isn’t always the easiest thing to do, but it is usually the best thing for everyone. I know it is what has made this sport grow and everyone grow who works in it. Scott is going to be successful and he most definitely still has a promising career ahead of him as a race car driver.” While racing together in the NASCAR Busch Series, Davis and Wimmer captured five wins, 17 top-five finishes and 37 top-10 finishes in 104 series starts. In 2002, Wimmer clinched four of the five wins in the last eight races of the season. “We had some exceptional success so quickly, when we got Scott in the Busch car,” Davis said. “We knew we had found a special person with a lot of talent, and just did the next natural thing by putting him in the Caterpillar car.” In late 2003, Davis called Wimmer up to replace Ward Burton as the full-time driver of the #22 Caterpillar car in the elite NASCAR Nextel Cup Series. A few months later in February 2004, Wimmer went on to finish third in his first Daytona 500 run. “Scott has gone above and beyond in representing Caterpillar and assisting with the sponsorship program,” Davis said. “It’s strong qualities like that, that are going to be only to his advantage as he moves on.” There will be two full-time NASCAR Nextel Cup teams housed at BDR’s High Point, N.C. shop next year. Davis announced in September, he had entered into a partnership with Michael Waltrip and NAPA AUTO PARTS to field a second car in 2006. BDR is still working to confirm its final plans for the #22 Caterpillar team’s 2006 season. “We are still working to find a replacement, which has not been designated at this time,” Davis said. “There are some very talented drivers out there right now without full-time rides for next year. Hopefully, we can get someone locked in very soon.”(Bill Davis Racing)(10-26-2005)