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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Although not a likely spot for gathering happy news, our site septagenarian, AndyMac, came away with some, while attending John Kerslake's father's Memorial Service held recently. He was thrilled to share with us that Mad Dog seemed on the road to recovery, and was getting around quite well. In typical "Mad Dog" fashion, when asked if he would ever return to Oxford, he eagerly said, "Sure, it's one of my favorite tracks!" His spirits are good, and he made sure that he pounded on his chest to share the resonance of the brace he is required to wear.
We certainly are excited for a return of Mad Dog to Southern New England racing, and wish him continued success in his recovery.
and some sad news...
Please accept our apologies for not sharing the news of John's father's untimely passing with you sooner. John Kerslake, retired Danbury driver and member of the 2003 SMS Championship Kerry Malone SK team, is a good friend to many, including all of us at MakingLaps.com. John's father passed away in late September while residing in Florida, from heart related complications. The family held a memorial service in the Danbury area recently so that local friends and family could show their repects. Again the racing community showed it's solidarity, and proved to John how much he means to all of us. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with John, and his wife, Cindy.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
About a month or so ago, before I came to work here in WI I went to TIS with the farmer and while we were walking around Phil said he saw Mad Dog. Hope he gets well and back in the action. He was a very tough competitor when we were running Pro Stocks at TIS. One of the guys it was fun to run against. He ran us clean and when you beat him you felt like you had beat one of the best out there.
I have to agree with you speed, not only from a competitor's point of view, but from a fan's perspective as well. Mad Dog has had a lot of ups and downs in both his personal and professional life, and his racing career. He has always remained strong, and was always there to lend a hand to anyone in need. Ask the site septagenarian about almost hitting him with 'the infamous" flying tailgate!! Gotta love him.
As for John and family, they are holding up well and appreciate everyone's support at this time of need. John's main concern is to continue to run the family business and is really busy right now with the Kerslake Tree Service.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!