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Larry Foyt Busch team: Larry Foyt has partnered with David Tomasello, owner of a North Carolina-based apparel business, to form Foyt Racing L.L.C. The new team plans to field cars in the NASCAR Busch Series in 2006. Foyt and Tomasello are currently seeking sponsorship to fund the two-car team, although only car would compete on the entire circuit. The second car, to be driven by Foyt, would compete in a limited schedule. Foyt’s preparation in setting up the new team has kept him out of the cockpit for most of this season with the exception of a couple starts in ARCA and competing in the Indianapolis 500 for his father A.J. Foyt. It was in that race that the 28-year-old driver sustained an injury to his back when he spun and hit the wall in turn one. He was released from Methodist Hospital the day after the race and has since made a full recovery. The team will be based in Mooresville, N.C., in the same shop which formerly served A.J. Foyt’s NASCAR Nextel Cup team. Larry Foyt has experience running a Busch team which he did in 2001-2002 when he drove in the NASCAR Busch Series under the auspices of his father A.J. Young Foyt’s best start was fifth which he posted several times in 2001-02 and his best finish was eighth at Talladega Superspeedway in 2002.(Foyt Racing site)(10-20-2005)
Larry Foyt Seeks NASCAR Ride for 2006: Larry Foyt, Dave Tomasello and Zekko Racing have ended their business relationship after two months. Foyt cited differences in business philosophy as the underlying reason for the termination of the relationship. Foyt, son of A.J. Foyt, is now looking for a ride in one of the NASCAR-sanctioned series for the 2006 season. (Foyt PR)(1-5-2006)
Foyt Team Owner Seeks Driver For 2006 Season: The Foyt Racing Team owned by David W. Tomasello is looking for a driver in the wake of the recent resignation of Larry Foyt. Tomasello’s team plans to operate in 2006 with two drivers, with a new up-and-coming driver in the fold. Both drivers will compete primarily in NASCAR’s Busch Series but will also enter selected NEXTEL Cup races, Tomasello said. “Larry recently got engaged and he’s ready to move on to other things,” Tomasello said. “I congratulate him on his decision about his personal life and we all wish him well. I’m optimistic we’ll have a first-rate driver in the fold by the start of the 2006 season,” adding that he's currently interviewing prospects. “Besides looking for a driver, we are negotiating for major sponsors for both cars,” Tomasello said. He might change the team’s name to Zekko Racing, Tomasello added, after his line of extreme sportswear. Already, he has installed his brother Daniel Tomasello as team president. The team will continue to operate from its new shop in Mooresville, NC, Tomasello said. More info at www.foytracing.net.(1-12-2006)