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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Modified (40-laps) 1. EARL PAULES 2. Rusty Smith 3. Kyle Ebersole 4. Bobby Jones 5. Jimmy Zacharias 6. Matt Hirschman 7. Daren Scherer 8. John Markovic 9. Allen Creveling 10. Nick Pecko 11. CJ Jones 12. Mike Speeney 13. Ken Vogel Jr 14. Jarred Nace 15. Brian DeFebo 16. David Schneider 17.Todd Baer 18. Barry Callavini 19. Matt Clemens
Street Stock (25-laps) 1. STEVE SHULTZ 2. Chip Wanamaker 3. Jeff McGrath 4. Steve Clark 5. Kyle Curtis 6. Chris Burge 7. Robert Fink 8. Mike Garris Sr 9. Mitch Hawk 10. Sam Danaher 11. Bernie Uphold 12. Sam Grow 13. Brian Brown 14. Dale Santee 15. Bill Verwys
FWD (20-laps) 1. HARRY ONEILL 2. Eric Banashefski 3. Cody Roth 4. Jeff Biegley 5. Dylan Hoffman 6. Justin Hughes 7. Jay Skupski 8. Trevor Ahouse 9. Peter Verwys Jr 10. John Smith 11. Brandon Oltra 12. Alex Doyle
INEX Legends (20-laps) 1. KEVIN NOWAK 2. Todd McCollum 3. Darren Scherer 4. Matt Marring 5. Brandon DeBrakeleer 6. Brandon Michael 7. Andrew Stotler 8. Stephan Hershey 9. Carl Jones 10. Raven Schrantz 11. Beth Scherer 12. Brandon Bock 13. Stephen Gual 14. Barry Schrantz 15. David Dempsey 16. Scott Hubler 17.Bing Metz 18. David Chapman