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I may not have the best answer but if you want cars you have to pay the racers at least enough to cover their gas to race and to get to the track. these tracks think that the racers should pay to race..... We put on the show, the tracks should pay us - It cost at least $75 to haul the car to the track $75 for race gas and $70 for two pit passes one for our spouse or girl friend never mind the kids. We need at least 200 for last place now a days...
15 years ago it used to cost $20 to haul $40 for race gas and $15 for pit passes and the wifes got in for free and last paid $100 and if you didn't make the show the track paid tow money usally $25 At one time when NEDOC was around we didn't have to pay to get in the pits.... Purses have not kept up with inflation, but gas and entry fees have.....
Why do tracks have so many divisions? 3 used to be the standard Modified, street stock and entry level stock division. Maybe fans don't want to sit through so many divisions? Maybe each division would have 30 or more cars where you have to race to make the feature making heats worth watching - right now you are lucky if your division gets to run a heat race - I would much rather run a heat than warmups... starting practice at 5 is crazy during a weekday......Try starting heats at 6:30 instead and see if fans and competitors like that better.
I think it was 1987 - when the SK Tri-track series was introduced..... All three ct tracks had the same rules, the same purse, a seperate point fund that paid a lot of money to the competitors at the end of the year and an average of 30 cars per night. I think the key was the "same rules and money" Now every track has different rules and no money.
Thompson's SK division rules aren't even close to the other tracks that is another reason they only have 11 cars - you can not run a thompson sk anywhere else in ct.....and you would have to change some major parts to go to Thompson if you are racing at another track.
These tracks need to sit down with each other and make the rules, purse, and add a point fund to draw all the modifieds that are sitting idle out of the garages.
This topic kinda coincides with my WMT Gossip post. It's time to just make ALL Modifieds the same. SK Type should become the norm with SK Lite Type becoming what is now considered and SK. A driver should be able to bring his car to ANY track our ANY Tour to compete. The Tour Type Modified should become an "Outlaw" car for Open Competition shows.
I agree with the move to Sunday, too many divisions and too many rule differences between not only the sk's & sunoco mods but the late models and other divisions. Oh yeah, and the cost vs reward. I know the track must come up with the cash for the pruses each week, but this last Thursday it cost an extra $5 to get in the pits so one of the classes could run an extra distance race. The problem is that who gets to watch much racing with the fast paced action of practice, the heat and then the feature run so fast. It is good to get everyone out early so they can go to work on Friday morning, but with only enough cars in each division to run only single sets of practice even with 5 divisions the second and third rounds come quick, and the same for heats and features. The owner, driver and 3-5 crew members should have a flat rate to get in each and every week (like show your nascar license) as they are usually busy working to put on the show and don't have time to watch the other divisions. But like I sald, the purses have to come from somewhere and the stands were awful empty also.
-- Edited by spdracer19 on Monday 30th of May 2011 11:06:01 PM
I was just informed that the sk's are paying 400 for tenth?????? How do you expect to attract cars if you don't advertise the purse???? I just went on the web site and there is no purse posted. I just dont get the reason for not posting a purse. If i new the purse i might have been there tonite.
I was just thinking- i haven't received one piece of mail from any of the 3 ct tracks in the last 10 years - I always recieved mail from the tracks inviting me to there track to race witha posted purse and schedule......
Well, they wonder why they don't have turn out and then they hammer the Minis and late models with having to buy a $60 2 day pass and have them only running on day one. I realize they must have gave away the store to get the southern tour up there but that should not be an issue for the people who support them on a weekly basis. The tour cars get personnel in for what, $25? It so happened I had something else to do Sunday so I was not able to go watch the races but there was no option for a one day pass. That helps me make up my mind how I will support them in the future when I have free time and may not be involved with running.