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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
jimmy spencer was way off when he said this morning that there was going to be no "BIG ONE" guess what people, we had 2 big wrecks that made bristol look like a califorina race, in addtion, it did not help anything that jimmy johnson, who is suppose to be respected as a clean racer and a pro-nascar/political driver, he caused the wreck that made mike waltrips head spin a few times and had the gull to point the finger at dale jr...... if you look closely at the replay, it will show that dale jr was no where even close to JJ's bumper..... and we have ryan "no neck" newman that attepted to bump draft casey mears in the tri oval of all things, IMO it was a very stupid thing to do because it could have injury to a fellow driver<scott riggs> scott riggs took 1 heck of a blow to the wall, if memorey serves me right, he did hit the safer wall or he just miss it??? tough break for mark martin, he was out there to get a top ten and he was colected in the 1st major crash of the afternoon..... the end of the race was building up to be a barn burner, with mr "no neck" driving worse than TC at stafford and thought he was going to take out another 10 cars with 7 laps to go.... my applause goes to kyle petty, driving that car hard in the wall and comming back and driving sideways<yes that is how bad that rear end was shifted> and which also seemed that he got the applause from the crowd more that DJ parking his car at the start finish line waving the checker flag........
the end result........ i was doing as follows
droping every bomb in the book...... s bomb, f, bomb etc etc.... expescally when "no neck" and JJ was driving like turds and pointing the fingers elsewhere.... should the racing calm down next week.... time will tell, lets take a week of relaxing and cooling off because this was a race that caused alot of people to have foam comming from there mouths, incluing mine.... till then
LOL, did you catch Mr. Excitment on Speed Channel (Victory whatever) tonight kissing Jeffies butt and saying it is all the drivers fault! Damn good thing he can't see him self while he's driving!
Just another example on how NASCAR is all about putting $$$ in their pockets. Were the last couple of laps exciting? Yes, in as much as you had no idea on how it would shake out and who would even finish never mind who would win. I am a racer for many years and I DO NOT watch to see the wrecks and potential of someone getting killed. NASCAR talks about stopping retalliation on the track but they do nothing about stopping the original wrecking. Johnson should have been parked and so should have 'No Neck' Newman. I could not believe Newman didn't cause another 'Big One' in the last 10 laps with the way he was driving and blocking. I am not saying Kenseth & Stewart weren't blocking, but they weren't doing it in the same reckless way Newman was. If Newman drove like that on a California Freeway he'd get shot!
I guess if you can wreck others while on probation (Ky. Busch), cheat multiple times with regards to car height (Ky. Busch & JJ Jr.) then you can also cause a 'Big One' every time you go to 'Dega'. It's seem's that Heltons butt buddy Hendricks will stop Roush from another Championship.
After all the talk about the Roush drivers and team orders there was openly descission over the radios about helping JJ Jr. out and everyone thinks that is so cute! But if a Roush driver lets his team mate lead a lap then that is affecting the outcome of the Chase! What a bunch of crap.
Playing golf every Sunday is getting better evry race.
No, when, not if, I hit a ball in the lake I can just lie and say Jr hit me and caused it and it wasn't my fault. And if I get caught winning with cheating equipment it will be ok, just you can't use it next time. But my sugar daddy has to give you free Honda's.
What a great exchange guys...as the administrator of a family oriented site, I have to say that although the inferrence of some cussing is appararent, you guys did wonderfully in keeping it clean.
As a Elliott Sadler Fan, (no band wagon jumper, I actually ate a frozen bologna burger that was brought to me in 2000 from VA, .....in 2001!, and my 4 year old Lab is named Elliott...), I could be heard cussing up a storm during that first wreck. I have to say though that I did see Jr. hit Jimmie Johnson immediately prior to the contact of JJ and ES. But I do not think it precipitated Johnson's hitting Sadler. I just think it was a convenient excuse he was able to use. Too bad that the two were seperated by enough time that it didn't seem to be the reason for the eventual "big one". I may be wrong, of course it is just IMHO. And I also have that handicap of being a woman too, so my observations are almost always wrong when it comes to racing.
It just seemed like the three were on the outside, and moving. Jr bumped JJ, three beats...JJ hits Sadler. Then all hockey sticks broke loose. Sadler blamed JJ. Big time. "It was just way too early to be racing like this, here." Sadler said immediately after exiting the Care Center.
The best part of the whole day was the eventual win by veteran Dale Jarrett. Not only did Parrott cry, but so did Yates. They deserved this one. Awesome end to the massacre.....
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
i was glad too see the "old school" win the race for once, and to see the old magic work again, as far as seeing dale jr hit JJ before eilliot, i have to disagree...... NBC showed 3 different angles<they even stop 1 of them> and it showed dale and JJ having space between them.. and JJ's bumper underneath eilliots..... off JJ topic but, what was that object that hit burtons windshield.... was that riggs fuel cell???? what ever it was, it was a wonderful shot that the camera gave.......
Brat, by the way I'm out here in Wisconsin working and had some Brat's last week, lol. Every time I see your sig I think of someone standing at a grill cooking "heaven on a bun". Sorry, had to share that.
Anyway, your comment about being a woman and not being taken seriously about racing is bologna! I have heard a lot of women that know and understand racing, I have also heard a lot that don't but that goes for men also. You and Jen and Mandy do so much for the sport and do it well. Don't cut yourself short.
Thanks for the positive comments about Scott & my posts. You should have been reading our IM's lol. They would have to have been posted on another board not here. We tried to keep it decent and see if we could get some additional input going last night. It would be cool if we could get s post race thing going on Sunday nights now that the local racing is winding down and the chase is heating up.
Hope you and OWR are getting settled in and Elliott is feeling at home in his new digs. I pull for Kenseth but I wanted to see Yates get a win. I really thought Dale J. was out of it but the G/W/C played right into his hands.
They took 8 engines following the race with the #17 & 38 being the 2 Fords.
I still can't understand if the shocks weren't cheating why can't anyone else use them to get a win in the chase?