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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Seeing as there was no news about this here yet, I figure I would give the weekly portion of today's event to all of you. First was the DARE Stock feature, and that was won by Raymond Grassetti, and the points champion is Joey Ferrigno (who finished 8th). Late Model 16 feature was won by PJ Zarrella, and Michael Bennett won the Limited Late Model race and claimed the championship in that division as well.
Tomorrow...SK Modifieds, Late Models, the Paradisko/Muska DARE Stock Shootout, and the Whelen Modified Tour. If you're going tomorrow...hope to see you there!
Thanks Mandy, so much for these results. Our site septagenraian, (who has been doing our live reports when the "eye" couldn't be there, or was at WSB at his other committment), actually felt the need to attend the BGNN race at Limerock park today and then trucked it on over to SMS via the Mass Pike, missing much of today's events. So again, thanks so much for the synopsis, and even though I know it just killed you to report some of that information.
As mcuh as I would love to attend the race tomorrow, I personally won't be there, but know it will be an exciting day. Enjoy it!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!