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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I'm planning on going camping all weekend at the World series at Thompson, are there any other Makinglaps members planning on going? I also belong to the MSS website and we get together at local races and I thought it would be cool to meet the Makinglaps gang as well.
I try to get my camper there a week early to get a decent campsite, might be a good idea for everyone else as well! I try to get as close to the pit entrance as I can. My wife and I would love to meet other ML members. Stop by and have a burger and a beer!
I know how it is, I can't make it to all of the 'tour events. I try to get to 4 or 5 each year and I feel blessed that I can afford that! We're going to Thompson this Thursday night and that will be at least a $75.00 evening with 2 adults @ $18.00 each and one junior @ $5.00, then food, drinks, and gas. And I just became a car owner? I can barely afford to be a fan....LoL!!!
ill be there this thursday like always helping out some sk drivers and ill be there at the world series with the tour and sk. 75 is alot but you get to see 14 divisions of racing which isnt too bad i guess, and i thought 50 last year was bad.
I'll probably go up to Thompson tonight after work to stake out my site for next weekend, ya gotta get there early if you want a halfway decent campsite close to the speedway. I won't be going this Saturday as they say it may rain.
Well, I went up this afternoon and roped off my campsite. Man, the fill in quick! I did get a good site but it is further away than my "300" site was. There are a few really good sites left abutting the woods. Anyone going? I'll be on the dirt road three quarters of the way down on the left. I have an older camper, white with brown/tan stripes and "Stefanikfan" in blue over the rear window! I drive a green/silver late model Dodge ram 4x4. Stop on in and have some grub and a beer!!
The weather doesn't look like it's gonna cooperate at least this weekend SF, but somtimes things get even more wacky campin at the big T when it rains, so I'm sure you will have a good time anyhow. Use to do the campin thing for years when I had the Motorhome, at all the tracks from Oswego to Martinsville and then some. It was some of the best times I ever had in racing. Me and the Brat definitly miss it, but work and other commitments keep us too busy to do it these days.
Openwheel, ya gotta make time! You have to reward yourself for your hard work. This is the way we do it. It's tough, I know. I'm trying to save $$ to build a house and put $$ away for the race chasing thing as well. But if you don't, you'll go crazy!! Well, I will anyway!
Rob, I know you are probably there now, oooopppss...watch out, careful of that mud puddle there, buddy!
Thanks so much for all those nice comments. Being that this is our first "house", we just have so much to do! I wanted to do it all right the first time so we have done some painting, installing of luxury items, ( a garbage disposal, heehee...), and just some all around maintainence that included buying a "how-to book at Home Depot! We are almost done, but trying to work, race, and move has just been so time consuming. We still have lots to do, it's tough but we are determined to do it all ourselves. And this great house is on a lake stocked with fish! So believe me it's very hard to choose when you are standing on the deck overlooking the lake to decide, "go to the track and hang around in the rain waitng for a motor to start, or light a fire in the fireplace and maybe get some more trim painted."
My Dad and his band of buddies camp very close to where you described you are right now. Since it will be raining all weekend and we live just down 395, we are planning to run up and see him and everyone else, and probably kidnap him at least until Sunday afternoon. A nice warm dry house, and a home cooked meal. When we run up there I will try to find your camper, it seems an easy one to spot, for sure! Maybe we will see you there!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Brat, I was there around 12:oo or so today. I looked around for some freinds but they weren't there so I left. We'll probably be there later today and geyt a fire going. I don't know if we're gonna stay for tomorrow as they are still calling for rain.
I'll leave the camper there for the week and shoot back up on friday morning for the World series. see you all there!