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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Does anyone have any info on the X modified division on Wednesday nights? I recently bought an old Cavalier modified roller in excellent shape. I have a young "hotshoe" who currently races in the mini stock division that really wants to race my car next year. Our problem is that we can't find any motor/ chassis specifications and rules. I've heard all kinds of stories about guys running SK motors. Some guys say to not go by the rules or you'll get left in the dust!
What's the deal? I don't want to cheat but I do want to be competitive. I've emailed the speedway about this but got no response. I also went to the 'bowl one Saturday night and asked for a list of rules but no one knew where to get one. If anyone can help us please do. This is the first racecar I've ever owned and really could use alot of tips and advice.
Ok, it's on the way but if you look up to the top of any Makinglaps page (the page your on now) where it says your logged on it should also say there is an unread message. Just click on that.
Scott is the trivia guy on here and I hear he is quite the shoe. In fact next to him everyone else looks like sandals!
I don't know if you got the information you were requesting regarding the "X" Cars, SF, but believe it or not the www.speedbowl.com website actually has the rulebook posted for those divisions. As for some actual under the hood insider info, we may be able to get you in contact with a driver who might give you some "trade secrets". Just email us at makinglaps@aol.com and I will forward you their screenname.
hey Speed...I couldn't think of what "Scott" you were referring to either! ....and he's quite a tall guy as well, his head would probably hit the roof of a "cav". Keep him at the keyboard entertaining us with his flashbacks, and leave the driving to those "sandals"!
Did you get my email? You may have missed it, as it was from my personal email addy, and may have been directed to your spam inbox. Let me know and I will resend it if necessary.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Bratmaster, thanks but I am aware of the speedbowl rules that are posted on their site. That's exactly the reason why I'm inquiring about rules. Their rules are very vague. all they tell you is that you can only use 'tour take offs for tires and they will be purchased at the speedbowl, what intakes and carbs you can use, and no porting, polishing deburring, no radios in car ect.... Not good enough for me. I want to know car height, spoiler angle, gear ratios, Which clutches, flywheels are legal, ect....I emailed the bowl but got no response. The way I see it, if they want to make the division work, they have to accomodate potential racers. I'll email the site as you stated, hopefully I'll be able to get some help that way.
well, supposively they are just SK's with plates on them. which would mean that they need to have a stock clutch and pressure plate and flywheel. as far as car height, you have to be at least 2 inches on frame height all the way around, but i dont know enough about that to comment . as far as ratio for us i think it is .520, but im not sure. i would check the SK rules and call the track, just to be sure. i saw the pictures of your car, and it looks great.
Ben, you left yourself out there on this one! I don't think I would be takin frame height advice from the ol #0-9 team! Sorry buddy, just couldn't resist hammerin you on that one!
Eh, i can take it, we got the spot back so its all good. its too bad i get to this miss this weekend starting last while i watch the cup and busch boys down in dover. lets hope all goes well and the 09 can go to the front. i wouldnt be surprised if it does . back to the topic at hand. one of our old crew guys and another guy who helps us out run xmods, they both are sk's basically, our what from i know. about the tire rules: apparently they let them buy new sets, so it isnt really worth buying the old tour tires. i would get some better opinions then mine, but your best bet is contacting someone who runs an xmod. heres a list off the x mod teams: http://yankeeracer.com/division.php?trackId=11®ionId=5&divisionId=61&method=getRoster
Thanks Ben, I'll check out the site. We're gonna give it a try. I never intended to race it, I just wanted to run some hot laps with it on Thursday afternoons but this kid approached me and I thought about it for awhile and decided to let him try it out.
The only reason I bought the car is because it was cheap and everything was there less motor/trans. I brought the car home this past Saturday and gave it a bath. It looks alot better sitting in the driveway instaed od sitting in a barn collecting dust!!
Were did you see the pics of the car?? I know I posted them on a couple of sites.
I saw them on the MSS site. im a lurker over there on the boards, i post occasionally (recently in the sst thread). I love looking at old modifieds like that. do you know what kind of chassis it is? I hope everything goes well, it is really fun.
Yeah Ben. I've never heard of one before but it's a "CJ" chassis. The "CJ" stands for the first initial of the chassis builder's two daughters names. His name is Mike Albernaz out of East Providence, RI. I believe.He had built quite a few of them before moving down south to build race truck chassis'. Mine is very close to a Stefanik chassis and just may be a copy. It does have a Troyer front clip so I'm told.
I thought about changing the sheet metal to look more like the Monte style instead of the Cavalier but decided to leave it alone for now. I am going to update the front sheet metal though. And I am looking for a fiberglass hood, if you know where I can get one please let me know.
I found your pictures from your post at mss. http://public.fotki.com/stefanikfan/robs_new_toy_modifi/ (your models look awesome too) . as far as hoods go, we get ours from CD, and im not sure how particular they are to each chassis. OWR probably knows more about that then I do. other then that, i think the car looks great.
Those are great shots of a great car, Rob! Thanks Ben.... With your permission, I would like to utilize one of these photos for your avatar, (of course if you have something else you would like I can always change it out). Just send me whatever you would like as your avatar and I will get it up immediately. Maybe I should go fix OWR's avatar now as well...hmm. Priorities!
Thanks everyone for all your contributions to what turned out to be a very informative thread!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Yes, thanks everyone. Very imformative thread indeed. looks pretty cool Bratmaster! thanks. This was a shot of the car in the barn before I bought it. It sat there untouched for 6 years or so. Since bringing it home it took a bath and it was waxed. it looks MUCH better now. I'll get more pics up soon. Thanks again everyone.
Hi Brat, hope you and Open are getting settled in the new place ok. It's been fairly quite around here lately. I haven't seen your email but I do get a lot of spam that slips through and I delete it so maybe I did by mistake. Please resend.
I been talking with Scott so that deal about him shoeing was a jab, lol.
Ok, how 'bout another question. Now I'm not made of $$, my HVAC job only pays so much and I haven't even started looking for sponsors yet. But in the event that we get wrecked, and it will happen to some extent, how much does it cost for a new clip each? I'm pretty good with a welder but just for $%t$ and giggles, how much for it installed? front, rear end parts, brake parts, what do they cost? Someone told me $1500.00 there abouts.....
Sorry for all the questions guys but I know modifieds as a fan only! I'm very green to the racing thing.
About $400 if you buy the clip from Brad L at Northeast, (since its a Troyer) and put it on yourself. If you have them put it on around $1200. Now the bolt on parts, thats the real killer. The clip is really the "cheap" part. The bolt on stuff, (A Frames, Spindeles, etc,etc) unless you have the skill and time to make your own spares add$ up quick. It's hard enough to do it racin for $1200 to win with an SK on Sat night, nevermind an X Mod for $125 to win on Weds. In racing the guys with big budgets, buy parts and bolt them on (or have them put on) The guys with ingenuity and not so big budgets, buy them once and build jigs and make there own.