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Robby Comments on his actions and the wreck: #7-Robby Gordon finished the Sylvania 300 in 37th position Sunday, a result of a lap 190 spin courtesy of Michael Waltrip. The incident came following Gordon's pass of Waltrip for the fourth position. For a reason unknown to Gordon, Waltrip moved down the track and spun the #7 Jim Beam Chevrolet after it had made a clean pass of Waltrip's Chevrolet. "First and foremost, I want to apologize for the words I chose immediately after our race had ended," Gordon said. "We had a decent car and we were obviously hoping to give our sponsors Jim Beam, Harrah's and Menards a top-10 finish. For some reason Michael obviously wanted that spot a lot more than I did because he flat took me out as I was cleared in front of him. I let my emotions get the better of me and I apologize. We bumped door to door when I went around him, and I don't know if that made him mad or what. I don't know what it is, but he puts the bumper to me a lot, and this time he did what he set out to do. We basically destroyed a great race car, and unfortunately it's the people that work in the shop that really suffer. We didn't deserve that at all." For his part, Waltrip said Gordon passed him "like he was in the desert or something." Gordon's reply: "We were clearly a better car at that point than Michael, and he was going backward. I wasn't the only guy to pass him, just the one he decided to wreck. He's right about the desert comment -- I pass guys clean all the time in the desert, just like I did in this case. I'm just sorry we didn't bring home a better result for Jim Beam."(Robbygordon.com)(9-19-2005)
Waltrip and Gordon speak: on Speed Channel's new show, Back Seat Drivers, Robby Gordon said Michael Waltrip called him on Tuesday and apologized and even offered up a car from Michael Waltrip Motorsports if Gordon needs it, as Gordon said he is down on Intermediate Track cars [1 to 1.5 mile tracks]. But Gordon expects his team to have one ready for Kansas in a few weeks.(9-22-2005)