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Parrott splitting with RYR? or reassigned? hearing Todd Parrott crew chief for the Robert Yates Racing #38 M&M's team/Elliott Sadler are parting ways or Parrott may be reassigned with the organization, expect an announcement sometime this week.(9-18-2005)
UPDATE: hearing Baldwin could end up at the #38 M&M's/Robert Yates Racing team as Elliott Sadler's crew chief, replacing Todd Parrott......see story below.(9-19-2005) rom Jayski.com:
UPDATE:Robert Yates Racing announced personnel changes for both NEXTEL Cup Series teams, as well as their Busch Series program. Effective immediately, veteran crew chief Todd Parrott will assume the role of crew chief for Dale Jarrett and the #88 UPS Racing Team, while Kevin Buskirk, engineer for the #38 M&M’S® Racing Team, will assume the role of interim crew chief for Elliott Sadler. Additionally, Raymond Fox, III, will serve as crew chief for the #90 CitiFinancial Team. With both teams sitting outside the top 10 and having just missed the Chase for the Championship, RYR management decided to make immediate personnel changes for the remainder of this season in preparation for the 2006 NASCAR season. “In the business of NASCAR racing the responsibility to perform both to ourselves and our sponsors is and has, become increasingly more important,” said Eddie D’Hondt, general manager of RYR. “We are making this change in an effort to spark both of our teams to the performance level expected of us.” For more than two years, Parrott has served as crew chief with Jarrett teammate Elliott Sadler and the #38 M&M’S Racing Team. During that period, Parrott led Sadler to two wins (Texas in 2004 and the fall race at California in 2004), as well as a non-points victory with their win in one of the Daytona 500 qualifying races in 2004. Additionally, Parrott guided Sadler to the inaugural Chase for the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Championship last season with Sadler finishing the year in ninth place. It marked Sadler’s first time finishing in the top 10 in the point standings. “We felt to improve the performance of the 88 team it was important to establish a leadership that has been lacking for the last few months,” said car owner Robert Yates. “Billy (Wilburn) did a great job of coming in here and working with the 88 and 38 teams to get them on the same page. Todd (Parrott) has a record that speaks for itself both with preparing race cars and making decisions in the pits. Todd has the skills, ability and talent to lead a race team, and he is committed to winning races.” Buskirk has served as the engineer for the #38 M&M’S Team since November 2003 and has been instrumental in preparing the cars Sadler has raced during the last two seasons. Buskirk will work in the interim crew chief capacity while the team actively searches for a permanent replacement for that position. “Kevin is an important part of not only the M&M’S Team but for all of RYR,” Yates said. “He has a lot of knowledge about race cars and what needs to happen to make them perform. He’s been on top of the pit box for the last two years helping call adjustments so he is the ideal person to fill this interim role for us.” Fox, who has been with RYR since the organization opened for business in 1987, will take over the race day crew chief duties for the #90 CitiFinancial car throughout the remainder of the season. Fox will also continue in his current position with the #38 M&M’S Team. All of the principal players involved in this announcement will be available for questions from the media at 9:00am/et this Friday in the infield media center at Dover International Speedway. This is the only time that members of Robert Yates Racing will be made available to discuss this subject.(RYR/Elevation Group PR), no word on Billy Wilburn fate or plans.(9-20-2005)