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LOUDON, N.H. -- Brian Vickers and the No. 25 team likely will face penalties from NASCAR next week after its primary car failed inspection at New Hampshire International Speedway on Friday.
Twin practices for the Sylvania 300 were held, and Rusty Wallace easily led HappyHour with a speed of 130.765 mph. The teams qualify noon Saturday, weather permitting. The threat of rain could cancel the session.
Teams were able to get in the two practices with minimal delay Friday, and Vickers got only two minutes of practice in after the team turned the car over to NASCAR. Officials covered the car and prepped it for transport to NASCAR's facility in Concord, North Carolina.
"It'll be in our R&D Center Monday morning," said Robin Pemberton, Director of Competition for NASCAR. "We opened at 7 and at 4:15, they gave up.
"They tried, they went through multiple times, couldn't get all the templates to fit at the same time."
"We have a very thorough system that should prevent these things, but something obviously fell through the cracks," said Doug Duchardt, Hendrick's Vice President of Development. "On Monday, we'll figure out the problem and make the necessary adjustments to fix it."
Vickers' team hurriedly prepared a backup, which passed inspection with mere minutes remaining in Happy Hour. He ran five laps and was 44th-best in the session.
UPDATE 2: Brian Vickers is running his backup car and feels glad to have it. His primary Chevrolet didn’t get through inspection on Friday, and NASCAR officials wouldn’t even let Vickers’ team go to a backup for qualifying without confiscating the primary car. What was the Hendrick Motorsports strategy in trying to slip the car through? Was the Vickers car used as a test to see what the team could get away with? Had it passed, would the car have been passed to teammate Johnson, a title contender, at a later date? Or would its construction have been been mimicked in Johnson cars? Are there cars in Johnson’s stable with those characteristics already in place? The problem was reportedly related to how, not whether, the car fit the aerodynamic templates used by inspectors. Officials “didn’t like the way” the templates fit.(Gaston Gazette)(9-18-2005)