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Annett arrested for drunk driving: UPDATES: #62-Michael Annett, a driver for Rusty Wallace's Nationwide Series team, was arrested early Sunday morning and charged with driving while intoxicated, texting while driving, failure to reduce speed and resisting an officer in the Mooresville area. According to the police report Annett, 24, was arrested between 1:30 and 2 a.m. and had a blood alcohol content of .32, four times the legal limit of .08. A member of the Mooresville police department said the resisting issue occurred because Annett did not want to be handcuffed. (ESPN.com)(2-7-2011)
UPDATE: Statement from Rusty Wallace:Rusty Wallace Racing is aware of a traffic incident over the weekend involving Michael Annett, driver of our team's #62 car. We have been in contact with both the authorities and NASCAR and are finishing our internal investigation into the facts. Rusty Wallace Racing does not condone, nor tolerate, substance abuse by any of its employees. In line with this, RWR is currently working with Michael to develop a package of sanctions which will address this issue. Among these will be successful completion of a comprehensive alcohol awareness program, a zero tolerance policy towards alcohol use, a year-long community service program and additional internal sanctions. Stated Annett, "I am deeply remorseful for my actions and my extreme lack of judgment. I let down my team, my sponsors, my fans and my family; I sincerely apologize to everyone that I hurt. This was truly a life-changing moment for me. Despite all of the negativity that will undoubtedly arise from it, I'm going to strive to use this incident as the impetus to make a lot of positive changes in my life." (RWR)(2-7-2011)
UPDATE 2: State DMV records show a NASCAR Nationwide Series driver charged with DWI, texting while driving and resisting police was involved in a crash seven months ago and used a similar excuse. Police say Nationwide driver Michael Annett was four times the legal blood alcohol limit when they stopped him after a crash Sunday. Investigators say Annett ate breath mints to hide the smell and told them texting is why he couldn't stop in time. "On the cell phone" and "could not stop in time" are the same words used on a DMV crash report with Michael Annett's name on it from July, 2010 on the Brookshire Freeway near Graham Street in Charlotte. It says Annett rear-ended a car, then that car rear-ended the car in front of it. The victim is a college student in West Virginia. Her dad says Annett was texting and driving, never hit the brakes, totaled his daughter's car and she needed physical therapy. The victim of the second car listed in the report also says Annett was texting while driving. Records show Annett was cited for failing to reduce speed. It had nothing to do with alcohol and Annett was not cited for anything alcohol related in that accident. (WCNC)(2-8-2011)
UPDATE: NASCAR announced that it has placed Michael Annett, driver of the #62 car in the NASCAR Nationwide Series, on probation until Dec. 31, 2011. Annett violated Section 12-1 (actions detrimental to stock car racing) of the 2011 NASCAR Rule Book. The violation occurred Feb. 6. In addition to the steps already underway by Rusty Wallace Racing, Annett will be evaluated by a certified substance abuse professional at NASCAR's discretion and will be subject to random alcohol and drug testing.(NASCAR)(2-11-2010)