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O.J. Simpson Starts Race Team by Mike Mackler- Comedy Guest Contributor/TheOutsideGroove.com 09/13/2005
Following in the footsteps of such NFL players as Tim Brown and Jim Kelly, former Buffalo Bills star O.J. Simpson has announced the formation of a race team for the 2007 season.
Simpson announced the move at a press conference near his Miami home.
"I am absolutely, 100% committed to making this dream a reality" Simpson said. "It might be hard working our way into the sport, but hey, as they say, 'If the glove fits'".
Simpson, who has named the team "Juice Motorsports" after his famous nickname, was surrounded by a litany of crewmembers. Simpson referred to the group as his "Dream Team."
"I have a number of sponsors that's I'm talking to", Simpson explained, "for instance, Ford Bronco, Bruno Maglio, and my old pals at Hertz. Well, Hertz hasn't returned my calls, but I'm sure its because they're on vacation."
Simpson expects the team to debut in the Busch Series. He says that he has yet to find a suitable driver, and will spend the entire 2006 "looking for the real driver."
Simpson was also quick to assert his devotion to the venture, saying that there is no way that he would "kill the team." However, Simpson DID quantify that, ".... Even if I did this, it would have to have been because I loved it very much, right?"