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Stoddard starts new Cup team UPDATE: Frank Stoddard, a 14-time Cup winner as a crew chief has formed his own NASCAR Sprint Cup Series team and plans to run the full 36-race schedule with the #32 Ford. No driver has been named and the team is currently seeking sponsorship support. "I'm really eager to get this off the ground," said Stoddard. "It's a great time to enter the sport. We'll just have to wait and see where we can go from here. My hope is to take this team to a competitive level and put together some respectable runs with the limited resources we have in place. One never knows, with our determination and just a little bit of funding we could definitely improve our chances on the track." Stoddard plans to open the season with the Daytona 500.(National Speed Sport News) Stoddard was the crew cheif of the #26 Latitude 43 team that attempted all 36 races in 2011 with various drivers, but has not made its plans for 2011 known and didn't test at Daytona.(2-3-2011)UPDATE: Veteran crewchief Frank Stoddard has joined the ranks of team ownership, joining with U.S. Chrome Corporation owner and CEO Bob Reath to form FAS Lane Racing, a new NASCAR Sprint Cup Series operation that will run the full 2011 championship schedule. "We've acquired a few cars from Richard Petty Motorsports and a few from Roush-Fenway," said Stoddard. "Doug Yates is going to build us some killer race engines, and we're looking forward to making our debut at the Daytona 500." Stoddard said his goals are realistic for 2011. "We're not going to be out there knocking off Hendrick Motorsports, Joe Gibbs Racing and Roush," he said. "Our goal will be to run between 15th and 30th, and by doing that, to give a smaller sponsor a ton of exposure."Stoddard and Reath first joined forces nearly a quarter-century ago -- in 1988 -- when U.S. Chrome backed New Hampshire driver Dana Patten in five races on what is now the Sprint Cup Series. Stoddard served as crewchief and chassis specialist for the team, and more recently teamed with Reath to field cars for Boris Said in a limited schedule of events on the 2009 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series. Last year, he served as crewchief for the #26 Latitude 43 Motorsports team, an operation that is not expected to compete this season."I am energized to be back partnering with U.S. Chrome and Bob Reath& this time as co-owners on NASCAR's grandest stage." Stoddard said. "With U.S. Chrome's sponsorship of the FAS Lane Racing Team, we look forward to hitting the ground running at the Daytona 500." The team will announce its Daytona 500 driver early next week, with Stoddard hinting he may utilize multiple wheelmen over the course of the season.(Sirius Speedway)(2-4-2011)