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Rumors at Richmond were circulating that the 2006 Chase for the Championship could have 12 drivers intead of the current 10 . NASCAR wants to do what they can to make sure top crowd drawers Earnhardt Jr. and Gordon are in the Chase .
LOL, that may be more true than you think. Like letting the fans vote Truex Jr. into the Winston, err..I mean allstar race. That should only be open to a competitor that has run either all or most of the races up to that point, Top 35 in points or something.
Nothing against Truex, but a BGN driver getting voted in over the NNC drivers just because he is JR's team mate was a joke.
Sorry to seem like I am wandering but my point is that anything is possible if NASCAR thinks it will put $$$$ in their pockets.
12 is a bit too much....... i would say the top 6........ or 300 points behind.... for example, for someone who is 300 points behind, there still mathmatically in the title..... 400 is really pushing it, ive never been a fan of the chase because of it.... you have a guy whos in 10th now, 550 points behind and next week untill homestead he goes on a 3 race winning tear, and runs away with the title, is that fair? you can almost blow off 26 races and win the title, it dont make sence to me, if you going to win the title you have to race 36 races, they should ambolish the chase :)
Scott I agree and disagree . I agre it is not fair to an extent , but from a fans perspective it is alot more interesting to have ten cars going for the Cup , rather than the usual one to three . How mant times have we seen the Cup all but wrapped up with a few races left ?
I also think the case cheapens the title. It has always been the most consistent team over the season was the champs. Look at Kenseth. He had a real bad early season, some their fault and some just bad luck but regardless, they where what 26th or 28th for a while and then get hot, well that is good thet got to within 6oo something and now poof, 35 out. As much as I cheer for him he doesn't really deserve the season title for that, but because he won it with only 1 win they changed it and multiple wins still don't garrantee your in the chase (see: J. Gordon).
Oh well, it puts $$$$ in their pockets so it's all good, right?
lets say you have 12 next year, you know who came in 12th???? JEFFERY gordon.... this is to ensure that a protentenal legend does make it in...... but on the other hand.... you have to be in the top 12 in the chase.... you know what that is going to produce????? NASCAR wanted ot put a stop to this along time ago "POINTS RACING" and if you had 3-5 people in the chase..... i guess you have to race that much harder in the 24 races leading up to the final 10 and dont have of this "blowing off" or "points racing" there gonna race that much harder.....
72 to 85 schedules = 28 races = 2 or to throw away races
86 to early 90s = 29 races =3 or 4 throw away races
mid 90s untill 2003 = 36 races = just have to points race
2004 untill now = points race to the top 10 and you will be esured a shot at the gold...... and 11th cant get no better
12 to the chase = backwards step to what the chase accually ment......
They (NASCAR) will just keep it at 10 and add that they can add provisonals as they see fit.
New Rule 24/8.05.+2: Actions determental to making a profit regardless of how bad it looks. Otherwise know as the "Hendrick only had one car in the chase and Roush had 5 and Budwiser was bitching also rule"
11th and 12th postion "the conispation prize" the "we know you did not make the chase, we will try to fit you in next year" or "since your jeff gordon, we will increase the chase by 2 so this wont happen to you again" rule.......
3 drivers dont make the chase that did last year "past chase prov" lol
ROTFLMFAO.. Now that's funny right there.... but I would not doubt it.
If you follow the NASCAR,com site it seems like over 30% of articles are about Jr & Gordo. Rudd pulled of a second about 6 weeks ago and nothing about him just Jr and him not having his cousin as CC or Gordo saying he won't leave Loomis's behind. We want to hear about everyone not just the precieved favorits. So I could see NASCAR doing something to ensure certain people are nvolved in the chase to maximumize profits not to mention a certain team owners failure to get more than 1 car in.
that is true....... the chase is also hurting people that are breaking into the sport..... i guess to get camrea time is to spin out and get 30 secs of replay and a "man o man by BP" thats what it is like now..... travis in the 77 car was getting alot of camera time this year because of that......
Yeah, I wouldn't doubt the sponsors have a contract for the 1st 26 races and then an chase or no-chaes clause. The Hendrick cars & JR will still get time but I doubt the Yates cars and the others on the outside will get coverage the next 10 shows.
that is how it was to tell you the truth...... but your right.......
jeff gordon will win either tally or martinsville for example..... last 10 laps of the race tony stewart and JR will be battling for 5th spot..... last turn taking the checker flag it will be like "and we have jeff gordon winning at__________" probally not jeff gordon but i could see it with other people outside the chase...... interesting footnote...... you dont see the NFL 2 weeks in saying ANYTHING about the playoffs, nor the NHL, MLB when there 1 month into the season..... its way too early.... i think if they really want to pump the chase..... do it halfway thru the season because no one cares after the daytona 500 whos in the 10 for the chase...