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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Entries have been recieved for the Fall Final Tour race at Stafford in about 2 weeks. This is who's been entered as of yesterday:
Steve Park (number TBA) 1: Rick Fuller 4: Jerry Marquis 10: Ed Flemke Jr. 15: Zach Sylvester 16: Mike Stefanik 18: Donny Lia 35: Mike Molleur 47: Jim Storace 48: Tony Hirschman 50: Chuck Hossfeld 51: Kevin Konopka 76: Tom Bolles 77: Doug Coby 79: Mike Christopher 90: Renee Dupuis 91: Frank Ruocco 99: Jamie Tomaino
No problem. I'm only helping out. Last race of the season at Stafford, and I'm getting everything set up. Am I surprised at the entries recieved? Not yet, but when one comes that I don't know about, I'll show and tell.
Hows that Rocco kid doing? Is he driving an SK ok and learning? It would seem so from the finishes he has had and not hearing any bad reports about him. He impressed me at the Bowl before he went north to run the sk.
Hows that Rocco kid doing? Is he driving an SK ok and learning? It would seem so from the finishes he has had and not hearing any bad reports about him. He impressed me at the Bowl before he went north to run the sk.
He's doing fine. As far as I know, he's already won a race earlier this year (7/24).
06: Steve Whitt 1: Rick Fuller 4: Jerry Marquis 9: Jake Marosz 10: Ed Flemke, Jr 15: Zach Sylvester 16: Mike Stefanik 18: Donny Lia 31: Tony Ferrante, Jr 35: Mike Molleur 47: Jim Storace 48: Tony Hirschman 50: Chuck Hossfeld 51: Kevin Konopka 58: Kevin Goodale 66: John Blewett, Jr 76: Tom Bolles 77: Doug Coby 79: Mike Christopher 82: Steve Park 90: Renee Dupuis 91: Frank Ruocco 99: Jamie Tomaino
Nothing real exciting came out of the entry list. Just three new entries.
Now updated entry list. This is of yesterday:
06: Steve Whitt 1: Rick Fuller 4: Jerry Marquis 9: Jake Marosz 10: Ed Flemke, Jr 13: Ted Christopher 15: Zach Sylvester 16: Mike Stefanik 17: Jeff Malave 18: Donny Lia 28: Tyler Haydt 31: Tony Ferrante, Jr 35: Mike Molleur 47: Jim Storace 48: Tony Hirschman 50: Chuck Hossfeld 51: Kevin Konopka 58: Kevin Goodale 66: John Blewett, Jr 76: Tom Bolles 77: Doug Coby 79: Mike Christopher 82: Steve Park 90: Renee Dupuis 91: Frank Ruocco 99: Jamie Tomaino
06: Steve Whitt 1: Rick Fuller 4: Jerry Marquis 5: Charlie Pasteryak 9: Jake Marosz 10: Ed Flemke, Jr 13: Ted Christopher 15: Zach Sylvester 16: Mike Stefanik 17: Jeff Malave 18: Donny Lia 28: Tyler Haydt 31: Tony Ferrante, Jr 35: Mike Molleur 41: Reggie Ruggiero 46: Dick Houlihan 47: Jim Storace 48: Tony Hirschman 50: Chuck Hossfeld 51: Kevin Konopka 58: Kevin Goodale 66: John Blewett, Jr 76: Tom Bolles 77: Doug Coby 79: Mike Christopher 82: Steve Park 90: Renee Dupuis 91: Frank Ruocco 96: Howie Brode 99: Jamie Tomaino
The entry list has been expanded. More drivers are added.
06: Steve Whitt 1: Rick Fuller 3: Eric Beers 4: Jerry Marquis 5: Charlie Pasteryak 6: Tom Rogers, Jr 9: Jake Marosz 10: Ed Flemke, Jr 12: Jimmy Blewett 13: Ted Christopher 15: Zach Sylvester 16: Mike Stefanik 17: Jeff Malave 18: Donny Lia 27: Roy Seidell 28: Tyler Haydt 31: Tony Ferrante, Jr 33: Wade Cole 35: Mike Molleur 41: Reggie Ruggiero 45: Wayne Anderson 46: Dick Houlihan 47: Jim Storace 48: Tony Hirschman 50: Chuck Hossfeld 51: Kevin Konopka 54: Dave Etheridge 58: Kevin Goodale 66: John Blewett, Jr 76: Tom Bolles 77: Doug Coby 79: Mike Christopher 82: Steve Park 90: Renee Dupuis 91: Frank Ruocco 96: Howie Brode 99: Jamie Tomaino
More entries once again. Probably added towards the end of last night. But I'm still putting the whole entry list down:
06: Steve Whitt 1: Rick Fuller 3: Eric Beers 4: Jerry Marquis 5: Charlie Pasteryak 6: Tom Rogers, Jr 9: Jake Marosz 10: Ed Flemke, Jr 12: Jimmy Blewett 13: Ted Christopher 15: Zach Sylvester 16: Mike Stefanik 17: Jeff Malave 18: Donny Lia 27: Roy Seidell 28: Tyler Haydt 31: Tony Ferrante, Jr 33: Wade Cole 35: Mike Molleur 41: Reggie Ruggiero 45: Wayne Anderson 46: Dick Houlihan 47: Jim Storace 48: Tony Hirschman 50: Chuck Hossfeld 51: Kevin Konopka 54: Dave Etheridge 58: Kevin Goodale 66: John Blewett, Jr 75: Carl Pasteryak 76: Tom Bolles 77: Doug Coby 79: Mike Christopher 82: Steve Park 90: Renee Dupuis 91: Frank Ruocco 94: Justin Gaydosh 96: Howie Brode 99: Jamie Tomaino
there will still be many more entering such as brady,bouchard, the 98,19,maybe the 44,21 they told me they were not running loudon so maybe they will be there at stafford. nevin george might have a ride, the 36 had a great run at loudon, he should run stafford too.
06: Steve Whitt 1: Rick Fuller 3: Eric Beers 4: Jerry Marquis 5: Charlie Pasteryak 6: Tom Rogers, Jr 9: Jake Marosz 10: Ed Flemke, Jr 12: Jimmy Blewett 13: Ted Christopher 14: Driver TBA 15: Zach Sylvester 16: Mike Stefanik 17: Jeff Malave 18: Donny Lia 23: Gregg Shivers 27: Roy Seidell 28: Tyler Haydt 31: Tony Ferrante, Jr 33: Wade Cole 35: Mike Molleur 41: Reggie Ruggiero 45: Wayne Anderson 46: Dick Houlihan 47: Jim Storace 48: Tony Hirschman 50: Chuck Hossfeld 51: Kevin Konopka 54: Dave Etheridge 58: Kevin Goodale 66: John Blewett, Jr 75: Carl Pasteryak 76: Tom Bolles 77: Doug Coby 79: Mike Christopher 82: Steve Park 90: Renee Dupuis 91: Frank Ruocco 94: Justin Gaydosh 96: Howie Brode 99: Jamie Tomaino
I was about to get to that. Thanks for updating. Let me post the list (as of today) again:
06: Steve Whitt 1: Rick Fuller 3: Eric Beers 4: Jerry Marquis 5: Charlie Pasteryak 6: Tom Rogers, Jr 9: Jake Marosz 10: Ed Flemke, Jr 12: Jimmy Blewett 13: Ted Christopher 14: Driver TBA 15: Zach Sylvester 16: Mike Stefanik 17: Jeff Malave 18: Donny Lia 19: Kelly McDougall 21: Ken Barry 23: Gregg Shivers 27: Roy Seidell 28: Tyler Haydt 29: Kenny Horton 31: Tony Ferrante, Jr 33: Wade Cole 35: Mike Molleur 41: Reggie Ruggiero 45: Wayne Anderson 46: Dick Houlihan 47: Jim Storace 48: Tony Hirschman 50: Chuck Hossfeld 51: Kevin Konopka 54: Dave Etheridge 58: Kevin Goodale 66: John Blewett, Jr 75: Carl Pasteryak 76: Tom Bolles 77: Doug Coby 79: Mike Christopher 82: Steve Park 90: Renee Dupuis 91: Frank Ruocco 94: Justin Gaydosh 96: Howie Brode 99: Jamie Tomaino
Now...I would love to know how Civali and Horton made this deal for this weekend.
Stefanikfan wrote: Mandy, any word on Mike Ewanitsko yet? I wasn't able to be at Loudon this week and really want to see Mike race soon.
Rob...you might want to take a look at this. It's the updated entry list as of TODAY. Last time this will be updated:
06: Steve Whitt 09: Anthony Sesley 1: Rick Fuller 3: Eric Beers 4: Jerry Marquis 5: Charlie Pasteryak 6: Tom Rogers, Jr 9: Jake Marosz 10: Ed Flemke, Jr 12: Jimmy Blewett 13: Ted Christopher 14: Driver TBA 15: Zach Sylvester 16: Mike Stefanik 17: Jeff Malave 18: Donny Lia 19: Kelly McDougall 21: Ken Barry 23: Gregg Shivers 27: Roy Seidell 28: Tyler Haydt 29: Kenny Horton 31: Tony Ferrante, Jr 33: Wade Cole 35: Mike Molleur 36: Mike Ewanitsko 41: Reggie Ruggiero 45: Wayne Anderson 46: Dick Houlihan 47: Jim Storace 48: Tony Hirschman 50: Chuck Hossfeld 51: Kevin Konopka 54: Dave Etheridge 58: Kevin Goodale 66: John Blewett, Jr 75: Carl Pasteryak 76: Tom Bolles 77: Doug Coby 79: Mike Christopher 82: Steve Park 90: Renee Dupuis 91: Frank Ruocco 94: Justin Gaydosh 96: Howie Brode 99: Jamie Tomaino
Yeah, I see it. It's awesome to see mike's name and the #36 on the list but it bums me out at the same time. As I said before, I made plans to go to Vermont....Man that sucks, I hope he's at Thompson for the World series. I'll be home Sunday evening to check out the Stafford highlights for sure!