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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Well, we almost thought that we weren't going to have live results from SMS tonight, as late as it is. But the call just came in...and only one feature has been completed. Well, sort of.
The Dare feature was red checkered after only 11 laps of demolition, ooopps...I mean competition. The normally clean and green division was riddled with wreck after wreck causing officials to throw the red to stop the madness.
Dare Division Feature Top Four Finishers:
John Hurley
Robert Dow
Fran Siana
Charlie Newman
The Late Models are up next, the SK division will follow them, aand the Limited Late Models will round out the evening. Apparently, the car count on the SK's has not risen this week, as it appears only 19 cars are on hand to run tonight's main event.
You don't want to know how angry I am, unless you look at the names of three of the four feature winners tonight. I can gladly say that I was happy that Butler won the Late Model race (I was down in Victory Lane again...don't ask), but things went south before that race and after. I will not say anything about those drivers who I don't like, but I will say that the Fall Final should brighten up my spirits.
Until two weeks from today, I'll be off doing some other fun events (like the Big E fair next week).