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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
This race is reguarded as being the biggest upset in a long long time, A driver 1st breaking into the sport, a nascar "Winston" cup owner getting his 1st ever and what turned out to be his only victory in a bizarre turn of events...
The day started with a short field of cars. 32 taking the green flag, David pearson taking the lead for the 1st 41 laps then Neil bonnett started his domination of this event leading his 1st of a total of 403 laps..... there was only 2 yellows for 24 laps and it was inside the 1st 22 laps, but after lap 459, this race took a unexpected turn
After bonnett blew up and went behind the wall.. Cale Yarbough in the Mc Anderson 27 valoline buick took the lead, holding it for 20 laps before he also grenaded the motor and parked it on lap 480, on lap 481 Jody Ridley from chatsworth Ga took the lead and ran to the checker flag winning the race, this was not over yet because 2nd place harry ranier filed a protest saying that "no question we were a lap ahead of ridley" 3rd place went to dale earnhardt, D.k Ulrich 4th, and ricky rudd 5th....
When the offical rundown sheets were distibuted to members of the media during the race, NASCAR admitted that they had experenced "scoring communation difficulty" for nearly 50 laps, at the time it did not loom as a big deal, Speedway officals also added that "we can only post what NASCAR gives us, they can bring back Morris Metcafle all they want to" Metcalfe is regared as the most respected scorer in the bussniess.... Nascar officals went over the score cards and ridleys victory was upheld for 20 mins.....
"this has got to be the biggest thrill for Junie than it is for me" said Ridley, "Hes been at this for more than 30 years, Im a rookie in winston cup, I just can believe it, This is the biggest thrill of my life"
Bobby Aillison increased his points lead to 168 over Rudd, Waltrip was 3rd 207 behind....
on the next flashback........ The Waltrip and Digaird Divoirce....... till then
bobby allison drove for ranier untill the end of the 81 season...... benny parsons took over in 82..... and we all know what happened from 83-86 seasons... cale yarbrough took over the ride in that window before davey allison took over in 1987.... for bobby allison he went to digard from 82 untill halfway into 85<the R&D infamous innident with greg sacks winning the pepsi/firecracker 400 at daytona in that year>.......