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I am very disapointed in Thompson. As an Sk car owner who runs regularly at Waterford but has brought my car to Thompson this year, I am disapointed that Thompson is charging $60 to get in. We were seriously considering hauling up there on Sunday but when I figured it was going to cost me $300(5 crew x $60) plus a set of tires($600) plus gas for the car and hauler($150), the whole thing makes absolutely no sense, even if we win!! I understand it's a two day show but the numbers make no sense at all. No wonder there will and has been only a small number of SK's racing this year.
Annon that kind of goes along with one of my posts a while back . to me it makes no sense to over charge the guys who run at a track every week for a special event . it DOEs seem that NASCAR is actually begining to listen at times . maybe the racks will begin to listen as well if all their support divisions decide to stay home raher than pay outrageous prices to compete.
Thanx for taking the time to express yourself .Belive me I understand your point.