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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
According to the Thompson website , The Thompson 300 wil be 300 CONTINUOS laps . NO thre seperate races and NO half-time break . The site reports that this is "Due to popular demand"
What makes you think that? There are a bunch of TIS 300 fans out here that think it was because they wanted the original 300 lapper back instead of the 3x100 format and now you want to crush their feelings..
No seriously, where did you get the info that it was NASCAR's choice?
I in no way want to Crush anyones feelings SPD . If you go to the official Thompson Speedway site , there is a press release . It states quote " this was NASCAR's decision . I belive the decision was made by NASCAR because they for once acyally listened to the decoted NASCAR Modified fans .
Sorry dbl 'E', I was j/k about the crushing part. I failed to follow the link and read it myself.
I would believe NASCAR may have thought that the points for the 300 should be based on 1 300 lap race not that crazy format they came up with last year. I am happy they have the continuous 300 lap format back.
Not a problem SPD just trying to things some what clarrified . I actually believe that NASCAR is realizing the potential of the Tour . Let us not forget it took the Taxi cabs over fifty years to get where they are now . So we have about 28 years in wich to grow .